
title: "robnptests -- An R package for robust two-sample location and dispersion tests" tags: - R - robust statistics - nonparametric statistics authors: - name: Sermad Abbas orcid: 0000-0001-9162-9792 affiliation: 1 - name: Barbara Brune orcid: 0000-0002-3154-8445 affiliation: 2 - name: Roland Fried orcid: 0000-0002-9830-9713 affiliation: 1 affiliations: - index: 1 name: TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Statistics, 44221 Dortmund, Germany - index: 2 name: Technical University of Vienna, Institute of Statistics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, 1040 Vienna, Austria date: 12 January 2023 bibliography: REFERENCES.bib output: rticles::joss_article csl: ../vignettes/csda.csl journal: JOSS


The R [@R22lang] package robnptests is a compilation of two-sample tests selected by two criteria: The tests are (i) robust against outliers and (ii) (approximately) distribution free. Criterion (ii) means that the implemented tests keep an intended significance level and provide a reasonably high power under a variety of continuous distributions. Robustness is achieved by using test statistics that are based on robust location and scale measures.

In what follows, we give a brief description of the package's contents. More details can be found in the introductory vignette of the package, which can be opened by calling vignette("robnptests") in the R console, and in the cited papers.

Data situation

We consider two samples of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables $X_1, ..., X_m$ and $Y_1, ..., Y_n$, respectively. The underlying distributions are assumed to be continuous with cumulative distribution functions $F_X$ and $F_Y$.

The tests can be used for either of the following scenarios:

Statement of need

A popular test for the location setting is the two-sample $t$-test. It is considered to be robust against deviations from the normality assumption because it keeps the specified significance level asymptotically due to the central limit theorem in case of finite variances. However, non-normality can result in a loss of power [@Wil03appl]. In addition, the $t$-test is vulnerable to outliers [@FriDeh11robu]. Distribution-free tests, like the two-sample Wilcoxon rank-sum test, can be nearly as powerful as the $t$-test under normality and may have higher power under non-normality. Still, they also can be vulnerable to outliers, particularly for small samples [@FriGat07rank]. The two-sample tests in robnptests are (approximately) distribution free and, at the same time, robust against outliers. Thus, they are well suited for outlier-corrupted samples from unknown data-generating distributions. At the same time, such tests can be nearly as powerful as popular procedures like the aforementioned $t$-test or the Wilcoxon test on uncontaminated samples for a somewhat longer computation time.

Figure 1 compares the power of the $t$-test, the Wilcoxon test and two robust tests. The HL1-test is based on the one-sample Hodges-Lehmann estimator [@HodLeh63esti] and the Huber M-test uses Huber's M-estimator [@Hub64robu]. We consider a fixed location difference between the samples and a single outlier of increasing size. The power of the $t$-test decreases to zero, while the loss in power of the Wilcoxon test and both robust tests is small. The robust tests provide a somewhat higher power than the Wilcoxon test and this advantage can become larger when more outliers are involved [@FriDeh11robu].

Power of the two-sample $t$-test, the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, and two robust tests - one based on the one-sample Hodges-Lehmann estimator and one based on Huber's M-estimator - on two samples of size $m = n = 10$ from two normal distributions with unit variance, a location difference of $\Delta = 2$, and an additive single outlier of increasing size.{width=4in height=4in}

Common parametric and nonparametric tests for scale differences have similar problems as described above for the location tests. In addition, some nonparametric tests for the scale problem do not cope well with asymmetry. The package robnptests uses the idea of applying the robust location tests to transformed observations as proposed by @Fri12onli. Such tests are also robust and can obtain good results in terms of power and size under both asymmetry and outlier corruption. However, these tests may be less powerful under symmetry than classical procedures like the Mood test.

Other packages with robust two-sample tests

The package WRS2 [@MaiWil20wrs2] contains a collection of robust two-sample location tests for the heteroscedastic setting. In robnptests, we assume homoscedasticity for the location tests. This is because estimating the within-sample dispersion for both samples separately may be unreliable when the sample sizes are small. Equal sample sizes $m = n$ can protect against a deteriorating performance in terms of size and power if we are actually in the heteroscedastic setting [@StaShe90robu, p. 179].

The package nptest [@Hel21npte] contains nonparametric versions of the two-sample $t$-test, realized by using the permutation and randomization principles, as described in the next section, on the $t$-statistic. This approach has also been studied in @AbbFri17cont, and, while being distribution free, the test statistic lacks robustness against outliers.

Implemented two-sample tests

The tests for a location difference are simple ratios inspired by the test statistic of the two-sample $t$-test. The numerator is a robust estimator for the location difference between the two populations and the denominator is a robust measure for the dispersion within the samples.

The $p$-value can be computed by using the permutation principle, the randomization principle, or a normal approximation. With the permutation principle, the tests hold the desired significance level exactly at the cost of large computing times even for quite small samples such as $m = n = 10$. The time can be reduced by using a randomization distribution and, even more, by taking advantage of the asymptotic normality of the location-difference estimators. The latter approach, however, is only advisable for large sample sizes $m, n > 30$.

The tests based on the following estimators for the location difference are described in @FriDeh11robu:

For scaling, we use different estimators based on medians and pairwise differences, see @FriDeh11robu for a detailed description.

In addition, we implemented tests based on M-estimators. This approach to robust location estimation allows for flexibility in how outliers are treated through the specification of the tuning constants of the corresponding $\rho$-function. We focus on Huber's $\rho$-function, the bisquare function and Hampel's $\rho$-function. The measure for the dispersion within the samples is a pooled statistic derived from the asymptotic normality of the M-estimators [@MarMarYoh19robu, p. 37ff]. Moreover, the package contains Yuen's $t$-test which uses the difference of trimmed means to estimate the location difference and a scale estimator based on the pooled winsorized variances [@YueDix73appr].

In case of data with many ties (e.g. caused by discrete sampling), the ties may carry over to the permutation distribution. This can happen in real-world applications when the measurements are rounded or stem from discrete distributions and may lead to a loss in power or conservative tests. Additionally, the robust scale estimators may become zero, so that the test statistic cannot be calculated. Both issues can be addressed by adding random noise from a uniform distribution with a small variance to each observation ("wobbling", see @FriGat07rank).

The following code snippet shows how the tests can be applied to a data set.


# Generate samples
x <- rnorm(10)
y <- rnorm(10)

# Use test based on one-sample Hodges-Lehmann estimator
hl1_test(x = x, y = y, alternative = "two.sided", delta = 0, 
         method = "permutation")
#>  Exact permutation test based on HL1-estimator
#> data:  x and y
#> D = 0.55524, p-value = 0.27
#> alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
#> sample estimates:
#>   HL1 of x   HL1 of y 
#>  0.2384959 -0.1140219

Here, we use a test based on the one-sample Hodges-Lehmann estimator. By setting alternative = "two.sided" and delta = 0, we test the null hypothesis $H_0: \Delta = 0$, i.e. there is no location difference between the populations. In the example above, we use method = "permutation" so that the $p$-value is computed with the permutation principle.

In general, the functions start with the name of the underlying location-difference estimator and have several arguments to customize the test.

More examples on how to use the tests and a detailed overview of the implemented tests and corresponding test statistics can be found in the vignette("robnptests").


Besides conventional two-sample problems, the tests can be applied in a moving time window for the online detection of structural breaks in outlier-contaminated time series. @AbbFriGat16dete describe how intensity changes in image sequences generated by a virus sensor are automatically detected by applying the tests to the individual pixel time series of the sequence. Moreover, the test statistics can be used as control statistics for robust, (approximately) distribution-free control charts for time series with a time-varying signal [@AbbFri20robu; @AbbFri17cont]. In @AbbFriHei19dete, the tests are applied to detect unusual sequences in time series of crack widths in concrete beams by searching for sudden scale changes.


s-abbas/robTests documentation built on Feb. 20, 2023, 10:14 a.m.