Man pages for s-fleck/memlog
A Fully Featured Logging Framework

AppenderBufferLog to a memory buffer
AppenderConsoleLog to the console
AppenderFileLog to a file
AppenderFileRotatingLog to a rotating file
AppenderFileRotatingDateLog to a date-stamped rotating file
AppenderFileRotatingTimeLog to a time-stamped rotating file
AppenderMemoryAbstract class for logging to memory buffers
AppenderTableAbstract class for logging to tabular structures LogEvents to Data Frames
as_LogEventCoerce objects to LogEvent
basic_configBasic Setup for the Logging System
CannotInitializeAbstractClassErrorLogger Error Conditions
colorize_levelsColorize Levels
default_exception_handlerDemote an exception to a warning
EventFilterEvent Filters
event_listA List of LogEvents
FilterableAbstract Class for Filterables
FilterForceLevelOverride the log level of all events processed by a...
FilterInjectInject values into all events processed by a Logger/Appender
get_loggerGet/Create a Logger
get_log_levelsManage Log Levels
is_filterCheck if an R Object is a Filter
label_levelsLabel/Unlabel Log Levels
LayoutAbstract Class for Layouts
LayoutFormatFormat Log Events as Text
LayoutGlueFormat Log Events as Text via glue
LayoutJsonFormat LogEvents as JSON
lgr-packageA Fully Featured Logging Framework for R
LogEventLogEvents - The atomic unit of logging
logger_configLogger Configuration Objects
logger_indexReturn a data.frame of all registered loggers
logger_treeLogger Tree
pad_rightPad Character Vectors
print.AppenderPrint an Appender object
print.LogEventPrint or Format Logging Data
print.LoggerPrint a Logger Object
print.logger_treePrint Logger Trees
read_json_linesRead a JSON logfile
simple_loggingSimple Logging
standardize_thresholdStandardize User-Input Log Levels to Their Integer...
string_reprShort string representation for R objects
suspend_loggingSuspend All Logging
system_infosInformation About the System
toString.LogEventConvert a LogEvent to a character string
use_loggerSetup a Simple Logger for a Package
with_log_levelInject Values into Logging Calls
s-fleck/memlog documentation built on July 11, 2024, 5:10 a.m.