  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-"




A minimal, eye-friendly csv editor made with shiny, rhandsontable, and readr. Shed is designed to quickly edit small (hundreds of rows) csv files and data.frames and save them as UTF-8 encoded csv files.

Why use shed?

Use shed if you need to manually edit csv files in a GUI, but you cannot or do not want to install a dedicated csv-editor (for example, on a remote RStudio server). Shed is arguably more confortable and safe to use than Excel which is notorious for converting everything that looks remotely like a date to strangely formatted dates. It cannot compete with dedicated csv editors in terms of performance and can only handle csv files with a few hundred to a thousand rows before it becomes noticably slugish.

Development status

shed is currently beeing rewritten. A finished CRAN ready version is planned for mid 2019 as I wanna finish some other projects first

shed is perfectly usable and the internals are more or less stable. The user interface might still change a bit, especially how files are read and written. There is also an issue in rhandsontable which I want to see fixed - or figure out a workaround for - before I plan on putting shed on CRAN.

If you have any feature requests or comments don't hesitate to file an issue or send a mail.


You can install shed from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")



# Uppon termination, shed returns the edited data.frame

x <- shed(iris)

s-fleck/shed documentation built on April 23, 2020, 12:51 p.m.