

As of v.1.1.0 tatoo assigns named regions when writing .xlsx files. tatoo can use these named regions to painlessly apply formatting to tables inside Excel workbooks in bulk.


wb <- as_workbook(iris[1:5, ])

a plain table

style_colnames <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold")

walk_regions(wb, "colnames", openxlsx::addStyle, style_colnames)
walk_regions(wb, "table",    openxlsx::setColWidths, widths = 14)

a stylish table

Named region names

The names of the named regions associated with a table are constructed from the following elements:


 show_regions <- function(x){
show_regions(mash_table(iris, iris))
show_regions(mash_table(iris, iris, mash_method = "col"))
show_regions(comp_table(iris, iris))
show_regions(stack_table(iris, iris))
    table_id = "tab1", 
    title = "a title", 
    footer = "blahblubb")

Formatting parts of tables with walk_regions

walk_regions() is a way to apply formatting to Workbook regions. The syntax is inspired by purrr::walk(). walk_regions() takes the following arguments:


The following examples show how walk_regions() can be used to format column names, table captions (headers) and the values inside a table (body).

x <- mash_table(
  iris[1:2, ], 
  iris[1:2, ],
  meta = tt_meta(table_id = "iris", title = "example table")
wb <- as_workbook(x)

style_iris     <- openxlsx::createStyle(fgFill = "pink")
style_header   <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "italic")
style_colnames <- openxlsx::createStyle(textDecoration = "bold", valign = "top")
style_body     <- openxlsx::createStyle(textRotation = 10)

walk_regions(wb, "iris", openxlsx::addStyle, style = style_iris)
walk_regions(wb, "header", openxlsx::addStyle, style = style_header, stack = TRUE)
walk_regions(wb, "colnames", openxlsx::addStyle, style = style_colnames, stack = TRUE)
walk_regions(wb, "body", openxlsx::addStyle, style = style_body, stack = TRUE)

# You can also use functions that have *either* the rows or cols argument,
# so the following works:
walk_regions(wb, "table", openxlsx::setColWidths, widths = 14)
walk_regions(wb, "colnames", openxlsx::setRowHeights, heights = 34)

a very stylish table

s-fleck/tatoo documentation built on April 9, 2023, 5:57 a.m.