Man pages for s-u/iotools
I/O Tools for Streaming

asoutputCharacter Output
chunkFunctions for very fast chunk-wise processing
chunk.applyProcess input by applying a function to each chunk
chunk.mapMap a function over a file by chunks
ctapplyFast tapply() replacement functions
default.formatterDefault formatter, coorisponding to the as.output functions
dstrfwSplit fixed width input into a dataframe
dstrsplitSplit binary or character input into a dataframe
fdrbindFast row-binding of lists and data frames
idstrsplitCreate an iterator for splitting binary or character input...
imstrsplitCreate an iterator for splitting binary or character input...
input.fileLoad a file on the disk
line.mergeMerge multiple sources
mstrsplitSplit binary or character input into a matrix
output.fileWrite an R object to a file as a character string
readAsRawRead binary data in as raw
read.csv.rawFast data frame input
which.min.keyDetermine the next key in bytewise order
write.csv.rawFast data output to disk
s-u/iotools documentation built on Dec. 1, 2023, 12:42 a.m.