
R data package containing monthly data on asylum applications to Sweden. The data is collected from the publicly available Excel/PDF files on the Swedish Migration Agency website (see extract.R and download.R).

Neither the package nor the author have any formal affiliation with the agency; do not consider this an official release by the Swedish Migration Agency.





Monthly data on asylum applications.

| Variable | Description | | :--- | --- | | year_month | Year-month as chr | | total | Total number of applications | | male | Number of applications from male applicants | | female | Number of applications from female applicants | | minors | Number of applications from underage applicants (including unaccompanied minors) | | unacc_minors | Number of applications from underage applicants who have arrived in Sweden without a legal custodian | | decisions | Number of applications that have been decided on | | granted | Number of applications whose applicant have been granted asylum | | rejected | Number of applications whose applicant have been denied asylum | | dublin | Number of applications that fall within the "Dublin Regulation" and will not be processed by Sweden | | others | Number of applications that won't be processed for some other reason (withdrawals, AWOLs, etc) | avg_time | Number of days an application took to process on average |


   year_month total male female minors unacc_minors decisions granted rejected dublin others avg_time
1     2009-01  1932 1242    690    517          153      1559     300      797    224    238      223
2     2009-02  1669 1103    566    398          121      2394     561     1286    292    255      235
3     2009-03  1731 1141    590    455          146      2864     734     1544    288    298      226
4     2009-04  1564 1026    538    411          119      2091     521     1023    288    259      194
5     2009-05  1588 1063    525    389          126      1914     527      895    255    237      204
6     2009-06  1873 1226    647    487          159      2185     599     1104    250    232      212
7     2009-07  2052 1287    765    617          198      1952     557      922    224    249      193
8     2009-08  2389 1553    836    697          229      1591     396      641    304    250      175
9     2009-09  2204 1406    798    630          216      2511     702     1167    367    275      216
10    2009-10  2321 1495    826    676          256      2729     789     1242    425    273      202

Example usage


graph_colors <- c("applications" = "#4db8ff", "granted" = "#c20047")
mutate(applications, date = as.Date(paste0(year_month, "-01"), format = "%Y-%m-%d")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date)) + geom_area(aes(y = total, fill = "applications"), color = "#0068ad") +
  geom_line(aes(y = granted, color = "granted")) +
  scale_color_manual(name = "", labels = c("Granted"), values = graph_colors) +
  scale_fill_manual(name = "", labels = c("Total"), values = graph_colors) +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = "6 months") + labs(title = "Applications per month") +
  theme_classic() + theme(
    plot.title = element_text(margin = margin(0, 0, 10), hjust = 0.4),
    plot.margin = unit(c(20,20,20,20), "points"),
    legend.position = c(0.2, 0.95), legend.key.height = unit(10, "points"),
    legend.spacing.y = unit(-10, "points"), = "horizontal",
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
    axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank()

Total number of asylum applications to Sweden between 2009 and 2017

sacamano/se-immigration-data documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:18 a.m.