
#' #' Generalized linear models for cumulative incidence
#' #'
#' #' Using the infintesimal jackknife pseudo observations for the cumulative incidence, this function
#' #' then runs a generalized linear model and estimates the variance correctly according to
#' #' Overgaard et al (2018). The link function can be "identity" for estimating differences
#' #' in the cumulative incidence, "log" for estimating ratios, and any of the other link
#' #' functions supported by \link[stats]{quasi}.
#' #'
#' #' @return A pseudoglm object, with its own methods for print, summary, and vcov. It inherits from
#' #' glm, so predict and other glm methods are supported.
#' #'
#' #' @param formula A formula specifying the model. The left hand side must be a \link[survival]{Surv} object. The right hand side is the usual linear combination of covariates.
#' #' @param time Numeric constant specifying the time at which the cumulative incidence or survival probability effect estimates are desired.
#' #' @param cause Character constant specifying the cause indicator of interest.
#' #' @param link Link function for the cumulative incidence regression model.
#' #' @param data Data frame in which all variables of formula can be interpreted.
#' #' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link[stats]{glm} such as weights, subset, etc.
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' cumincglm.infjack <- function(formula, time, cause = "1", link = "identity", data, ...) {
#'     marginal.estimate2 <- survival::survfit(update.formula(formula, . ~ 1),
#'                                             data = data, influence = TRUE)
#'     tdex <- sapply(time, function(x) max(which(marginal.estimate2$time <= x)))
#'     pstate <- marginal.estimate2$pstate[tdex, which(marginal.estimate2$states == cause)]
#'     ## S(t) + (n-1)[S(t) -S_{-i}(t)]
#'     jackk2 <- matrix(pstate, nrow = marginal.estimate2$n, ncol = length(time), byrow = TRUE) +
#'         (marginal.estimate2$n - 1) *
#'         (marginal.estimate2$influence.pstate[, tdex + 1,
#'                                              which(marginal.estimate2$states == cause)])
#'     newdata <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(time), function(i) data))
#'     newdata[["pseudo.vals"]] <-  c(jackk2)
#'     newdata[["pseudo.time"]] <- rep(time, each = nrow(jackk2))
#'     newdata[["cluster.id"]] <- rep(1:nrow(data), length(time))
#'     if(!inherits(marginal.estimate2, "survfitms")) newdata[["pseudo.vals"]] <- 1 - newdata[["pseudo.vals"]]
#'     newdata[["startmu"]] <- rep(mean(newdata$pseudo.vals), nrow(newdata))
#'     fit.lin <- stats::glm(update.formula(formula, pseudo.vals ~ .),
#'                           family = quasi(link = link, variance = "constant"),
#'                           mustart = startmu,
#'                           data = newdata, x = TRUE, ...)
#'     ## update variance estimate
#'     if(!inherits(marginal.estimate2, "survfitms")) {
#'         datamat <- cbind(marginal.estimate$model.response[, "time"],
#'                          marginal.estimate$model.response[, "status"] != 0, ## not censored indicator
#'                          as.character(marginal.estimate$model.response[, "status"]) == cause,
#'                          marginal.estimate$model.response[, "status"] == 0 ## censored indicator
#'         )
#'     } else {
#'         dmatframe <- as.matrix(model.frame(update.formula(formula, .~1), data = newdata)[, 1])
#'         datamat <- cbind(dmatframe[, "time"],
#'                          dmatframe[, "status"] != 0,
#'                          dmatframe[, "status"] == cause,
#'                          dmatframe[, "status"] == 0)
#'     }
#'     #    fit.lin$corrected.vcov <- ovg.vcov
#'     fit.lin$datamat <- datamat
#'     fit.lin$time <- time
#'     fit.lin$cause <- cause
#'     fit.lin$link <- link
#'     fit.lin$cluster.id <- newdata[["cluster.id"]]
#'     fit.lin$type <- "cuminc"
#'     class(fit.lin) <- c("pseudoglm", class(fit.lin))
#'     fit.lin
#' }
#' #' Generalized linear models for restricted mean survival
#' #'
#' #' Using the infintesimal jackknife pseudo observations for the restricted mean
#' #' survival, this function then runs a generalized linear model
#' #'  The link function can be "identity" for estimating differences,
#' #'  "log" for estimating ratios, and any of the other link
#' #' functions supported by \link[stats]{quasi}.
#' #'
#' #' @return A pseudoglm object, with its own methods for print, summary, and vcov. It inherits from
#' #' glm, so predict and other glm methods are supported.
#' #'
#' #' @param formula A formula specifying the model. The left hand side must be a \link[survival]{Surv} object. The right hand side is the usual linear combination of covariates.
#' #' @param time Numeric constant specifying the maximum time at which the mean is restricted.
#' #' @param cause Character constant specifying the cause indicator of interest.
#' #' @param link Link function for the regression model.
#' #' @param data Data frame in which all variables of formula can be interpreted.
#' #' @param ... Other arguments passed to \link[stats]{glm} such as weights, subset, etc.
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' rmeanglm.infjack <- function(formula, time, cause = "1", link = "identity", data, ...) {
#'     marginal.estimate2 <- survival::survfit(update.formula(formula, . ~ 1),
#'                                             data = data, influence = TRUE)
#'     jackk2 <- pseudo_rmst(marginal.estimate2, time)
#'     if(!is.null(marginal.estimate2$states)) {
#'         jackk2 <- jackk2[, which(marginal.estimate2$states == cause)]
#'     }
#'     newdata <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(time), function(i) data))
#'     newdata[["pseudo.vals"]] <-  c(jackk2)
#'     newdata[["pseudo.time"]] <- rep(time, each = length(jackk2))
#'     newdata[["cluster.id"]] <- rep(1:nrow(data), length(time))
#'     newdata[["startmu"]] <- rep(mean(newdata$pseudo.vals), nrow(newdata))
#'     fit.lin <- stats::glm(update.formula(formula, pseudo.vals ~ .),
#'                           family = quasi(link = link, variance = "constant"),
#'                           mustart = startmu,
#'                           data = newdata, x = TRUE, ...)
#'     ## update variance estimate
#'     if(!inherits(marginal.estimate2, "survfitms")) {
#'         datamat <- cbind(marginal.estimate2$model.response[, "time"],
#'                          marginal.estimate2$model.response[, "status"] != 0, ## not censored indicator
#'                          as.character(marginal.estimate2$model.response[, "status"]) == cause,
#'                          marginal.estimate2$model.response[, "status"] == 0 ## censored indicator
#'         )
#'     } else {
#'         dmatframe <- as.matrix(model.frame(update.formula(formula, .~1), data = newdata)[, 1])
#'         datamat <- cbind(dmatframe[, "time"],
#'                          dmatframe[, "status"] != 0,
#'                          dmatframe[, "status"] == cause,
#'                          dmatframe[, "status"] == 0)
#'     }
#'     #    fit.lin$corrected.vcov <- ovg.vcov
#'     fit.lin$datamat <- datamat
#'     fit.lin$time <- time
#'     fit.lin$cause <- cause
#'     fit.lin$link <- link
#'     fit.lin$cluster.id <- newdata[["cluster.id"]]
#'     fit.lin$type <- "rmean"
#'     class(fit.lin) <- c("pseudoglm", class(fit.lin))
#'     fit.lin
#' }
#' #' Compute restricted mean survival
#' #'
#' #' Written by Terry Therneau (2019)
#' #'
#' #' @param fit Survfit
#' #' @param tmax Max time
#' pseudo_rmst <- function(fit, tmax) {
#'     # extract the RMST, and the leverage of each subject on the RMST
#'     if (missing(tmax)) tmax <- max(sfit0$time)
#'     if (length(tmax) !=1) stop("tmax must be a single value")
#'     sfit0 <- survfit0(fit)      # add the time=0 point to the result
#'     rsum <- function(y, x= sfit0$time) {  # sum of rectangles
#'         keep <- which(x < tmax)
#'         width <- diff(c(x[keep], tmax))
#'         sum(width * y[keep])
#'     }
#'     if (is.null(sfit0$states)) { # ordinary survival
#'         rmst <- rsum(sfit0$surv, sfit0$time)
#'         ijack <- apply(sfit0$influence.surv, 1, rsum)
#'         rmst + (sfit0$n -1)* ijack
#'     }
#'     else {
#'         rmst <- apply(sfit0$pstate, 2, rsum)
#'         ijack <- apply(sfit0$influence.pstate, c(1,3), rsum)
#'         rep(rmst, each= nrow(ijack)) + (nrow(ijack)-1)*ijack
#'     }
#' }
sachsmc/pseudoglm documentation built on Sept. 4, 2020, 9:10 a.m.