Man pages for saezlab/CellNOpt-Feeder
Integration of CellNOptR to add missing links

BinferenceBayesian network inference
buildFeederObjectDynamicBuilding Feeder-Object for the integration to the PKN
CNORfeeder-packageR package to integrate literature-constrained and data-driven...
gaBinaryT1WGenetic algorithm used to optimise a model differently...
identifyMisfitIndicesIdentifying indices of poorly fitted measurements
integrateLinksIntegrating the new links to the PKN
linksRankingRanking of links inferred from data
makeBTablesMake Boolean tables
mapBTables2modelIntegrate Boolean tables with the model
mapDDN2modelIntegrate data-drive network with the model
MIinferenceMutual information based network inference
PPINigraphProtein-protein interaction netwrok
runDynamicFeederModelling the integrated PKN with CNORode
UniprotIDdreamUniprot identifiers for proteins in DreamModel
weightingWeight integrated links.
saezlab/CellNOpt-Feeder documentation built on Jan. 23, 2020, 2:36 p.m.