How to contribute

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Adding a new platform

Possible issue: Need to add a new platform

Adding a new platform involves a few steps, briefly we need to consider the following steps where changes would be necessary.

  1. job submission: One needs to add a new template for the new platform. Several examples are available as described in the previous section.
  2. parsing job ids: flowr keeps a log of all submitted jobs, and also to pass them along as a dependency to subsequent jobs. This is taken care by the parse_jobids() function. Each job scheduler shows the jobs id, when you submit a job, but each shows it in a slightly different pattern. To accommodate this one can use regular expressions as described in the relevant section of the flowr config.

  3. render dependency: After collecting job ids from previous jobs, flowr renders them as a dependency for subsequent jobs. This is handled by render_dependency.PLATFORM functions.

  4. recognize new platform: Flowr needs to be made aware of the new platform, for this we need to add a new class using the platform name. This is essentially a wrapper around the job class

Essentially this requires us to add a new line like: setClass("torque", contains = "job").

  1. killing jobs: Just like submission flowr needs to know what command to use to kill jobs. This is defined in detect_kill_cmd function.

There are several job scheduling systems available and we try to support the major players. Adding support is quite easy if we have access to them. Your favourite not in the list? re-open this issue, with details on the platform: adding platforms

Possible issue: For other issues upload the error shown in the out files to [github issues tracker](

sahilseth/flowr documentation built on March 20, 2021, 8:44 a.m.