knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This document verifies the KKT conditions for glmnet without and with weights. Note that glmnet internally rescales the observation weights to sum to the number of predictors. Let $N_T$ be the total number of observations and $w_i$ the observation weights for subject $i$. The following code rescales the weights:

wi_scaled <- wi / sum(wi) * n

Let $\widetilde{w}_i$ be the re-scaled weights. Then the KKT equation is given by:

$$ \frac{1}{\sum_i^{N_T} \widetilde{w}i} \sum_i^{N_T} \widetilde{w}_i \widetilde{X}{ij} \left( \widetilde{Y}i - \sum{j=0}^{p}\widetilde{X}_{ij+1}\beta_j \right) = \lambda \gamma_j $$ When all the weights are equal, $\sum_i^{N_T} \widetilde{w}_i = N_T$, and this equation simplifies to

$$ \frac{1}{N_T} \sum_i^{N_T} \frac{w_i}{\sum_i^{N_T} w_i} N_T \widetilde{X}{ij} \left( \widetilde{Y}_i - \sum{j=0}^{p}\widetilde{X}{ij+1}\beta_j \right) = \lambda \gamma_j\ \frac{w_i}{\sum_i^{N_T} w_i} \sum_i^{N_T} \widetilde{X}{ij} \left( \widetilde{Y}i - \sum{j=0}^{p}\widetilde{X}{ij+1}\beta_j \right) = \lambda \gamma_j\ \frac{w_i}{N_T \cdot w_i} \sum_i^{N_T} \widetilde{X}{ij} \left( \widetilde{Y}i - \sum{j=0}^{p}\widetilde{X}{ij+1}\beta_j \right) = \lambda \gamma_j\ \frac{1}{N_T } \sum_i^{N_T} \widetilde{X}{ij} \left( \widetilde{Y}i - \sum{j=0}^{p}\widetilde{X}_{ij+1}\beta_j \right) = \lambda \gamma_j $$

$$ \frac{1}{N_T} \sum_i^{N_T} \widetilde{X}{ij} \left( \widetilde{Y}_i - \sum{j=0}^{p}\widetilde{X}_{ij+1}\beta_j \right) = \lambda \gamma_j $$

Simulate Data


# intercept
b0 <- 3
# true betas
b <- c(runif(10, 0.8,1.2), rep(0,180), runif(10, -1.2, -0.8))
# number of predictors
p <- length(b)
# sample size
n <- 100
# independent predictors
X <- mvrnorm(n, rep(1,p), diag(p))
# response
Y <- b0 + X %*% b + rnorm(n)

# threshold
threshold <- 1e-20

# kkt tolerance
tol.kkt <- 1e-9

KKT with Equal Weights

# weights
wi <- rep(1, n)
# wi <- sample(1:10, size = n, replace = T)

(m2 <- glmnet(y = Y, x = X, standardize = F, thresh = threshold, weights = wi))

B <- as.matrix(m2$beta)

out_print <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(m2$lambda), ncol = 3,
                    dimnames = list(colnames(B),
for (lambda in colnames(B)) {
  # lambda = colnames(B)[1]
  beta <- B[, lambda, drop = F]
  lambda_value <- m2$lambda[which(lambda==colnames(B))]
  n <- nrow(X)

  # scale the weights to sum to nobs
  wi_scaled <- as.vector(wi) / sum(as.vector(wi)) * n
  wi_mat <- diag(wi_scaled)

  # KKT for beta
  # g0 <- (1 / sum(wi_scaled)) * crossprod(X * wi_scaled, (Y - X %*% beta - drop(m2$a0[lambda])))
  g0 <- (1 / sum(wi)) * crossprod(X * wi, (Y - X %*% beta - drop(m2$a0[lambda])))

  g <- g0 - lambda_value * sign(beta)

  # this is for when beta=0 and should be between -1 and 1
  gg <- g0 / lambda_value

  # which of the betas are non-zero
  oo <- abs(beta) > 0

  # if all betas are 0 then set to TRUE, else abs(g[oo]) will give error since 'oo' is all FALSE
  out_print[lambda, "kkt_beta_nonzero"] <- if (all(!oo)) 0 else sum(abs(g[oo]) > tol.kkt)
  out_print[lambda, "kkt_beta_subgr"] <- sum(abs(gg[!oo]) > 1)
  out_print[lambda, "sum_wi_scaled"] <- sum(wi_scaled)

  if (sum(abs(g[oo]) > tol.kkt) > 0) plot(abs(g[oo]))



KKT with Different Weights

# weights
wi <- sample(1:10, size = n, replace = T)

(m2 <- glmnet(y = Y, x = X, standardize = F, thresh = threshold, weights = wi))
B <- as.matrix(m2$beta)

out_print <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(m2$lambda), ncol = 3,
                    dimnames = list(colnames(B),
                                      "kkt_beta_subgr", "sum_wi_scaled")))
for (lambda in colnames(B)) {
# lambda=colnames(B)[1]
  beta <- B[, lambda, drop = F]
  lambda_value <- m2$lambda[which(lambda==colnames(B))]
  n <- nrow(X)

  # scale the weights to sum to nobs
  wi_scaled <- as.vector(wi) / sum(as.vector(wi)) * n
  wi_mat <- diag(wi_scaled)

  # KKT for beta
  # g0 <- (1 / sum(wi_scaled)) * crossprod(X * wi_scaled, (Y - X %*% beta - drop(m2$a0[lambda])))
  g0 <- (1 / sum(wi)) * crossprod(X * wi, (Y - X %*% beta - drop(m2$a0[lambda])))

  g <- g0 - lambda_value * sign(beta)

  # this is for when beta=0 and should be between -1 and 1
  gg <- g0 / lambda_value

  # which of the betas are non-zero
  oo <- abs(beta) > 0

  # if all betas are 0 then set to TRUE, else abs(g[oo]) will give error since 'oo' is all FALSE
  out_print[lambda, "kkt_beta_nonzero"] <- if (all(!oo)) 0 else sum(abs(g[oo]) > tol.kkt)
  out_print[lambda, "kkt_beta_subgr"] <- sum(abs(gg[!oo]) > 1)
  out_print[lambda, "sum_wi_scaled"] <- sum(wi_scaled)

  if (sum(abs(g[oo]) > tol.kkt) > 0) plot(abs(g[oo]))



sahirbhatnagar/ggmix documentation built on April 18, 2021, 3:46 p.m.