smell_sociotechnical_congruence: Estimates Socio-Technical Congruence

smell_sociotechnical_congruenceR Documentation

Estimates Socio-Technical Congruence


Socio-technical congruence (st.congruence) is measured as the number of development collaborations that do have a communication counterpart over the total number of collaboration links present in the collaboration Developer Social Network. Development collaborations that do have a communication counterpart are identified analysing one by one the collaboration links that connect different developers present in the collaboration Developer Social Network and check within the communication Developer Social Network if such developers are present and connected through a communication link. Therefore, socio-technical congruence can be computed using Missing Links Community Smell metric as follows:

st_congruence = (n_collaborations - n_missing_links)/n_collaborations


smell_sociotechnical_congruence(mail.graph, code.graph)



A uni-modal network G = (V,E), where V are developers (authors or contributors) and E is a collaboration between developers in the mailing list


A uni-modal network G = (V,E), where V are developers (authors or contributors) and E is a collaboration between developers in the git log.


D. A. Tamburri, F. Palomba and R. Kazman, "Exploring Community Smells in Open-Source: An Automated Approach" in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 630-652, 1 March 2021, doi: 10.1109/TSE.2019.2901490.

Simone Magnoni (2016). An approach to measure Community Smells in software development communities. (Doctoral dissertation, Politecnico Milano).

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