
Defines functions parse_r_function_dependencies parse_r_function_definition parse_rfile_ast

Documented in parse_rfile_ast parse_r_function_definition parse_r_function_dependencies

# Kaiaulu - https://github.com/sailuh/kaiaulu
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#' Parse R Abstract Syntax Tree
#' @param filepath The filepath of an R file
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils getParseData
#' @keywords internal
parse_rfile_ast <- function(filepath){
  parsed_file <- data.table(getParseData(x = parse(file = filepath,
                                                   keep.source = TRUE)),
                            includeText = TRUE)

  # Use the folder/filename.R in case filename.R has the same name in other folder.
  #filepath <- stri_c(data.table::last(stri_split_regex(filepath,"/")[[1]],2),collapse="/")
  parsed_file$filepath <- filepath
#' Parse R Function Definitions
#' @param parsed_r_file A parsed R file (see \code{\link{parse_rfile_ast}})
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
parse_r_function_definition <-function(parsed_r_file){
  token <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
  # filepath is the same for all rows since the parameter is an r_file
  filepath <- parsed_r_file$filepath
  parsed_r_file$row_id <- 1:nrow(parsed_r_file)

  # If no function definitions are found (e.g. test files)
  if(nrow(parsed_r_file[token == "FUNCTION"]) == 0){
    function_definition <- data.table(src_functions_name = character(),
                                      src_line_functions_start = numeric(),
                                      src_line_functions_end = numeric(),
                                      metadata_line_functions_start = numeric(),
                                      metadata_line_functions_end = numeric(),
                                      file_path = character())

  # Obtain function definitions
  src_line_functions_start <- parsed_r_file[token == "FUNCTION"]$line1

  # src_line_function_end is not on of parsed_r_file[token == "FUNCTION"]$line2.
  # but rather on metadata_line_function_start$line2.

  get_metadata_first_row_id_where <- function(src_line_function_start,parsed_r_file){
    return(which(src_line_function_start == parsed_r_file$line1)[1])
  # First ocurrence of src_line_function_start in $line1
  metadata_line_functions_start <- sapply(src_line_functions_start,get_metadata_first_row_id_where,parsed_r_file)
  # Before obtaining the ending line of each function, let's filter out anonymous functions
  # Non-anonymous function have parsed_r_file[metadata_line_function_start + 3]$token == "LEFT_ASSIGN"
  which_metadata_line_functions_is_non_anonymous <- parsed_r_file[metadata_line_functions_start + 3]$token == "LEFT_ASSIGN"
  metadata_line_functions_start <- metadata_line_functions_start[which_metadata_line_functions_is_non_anonymous]
  # We also filter the src_line_functions_start for consistency
  src_line_functions_start <- src_line_functions_start[which_metadata_line_functions_is_non_anonymous]
  # Now we obtain the metadata end line of the functions we care about
  src_line_functions_end <- parsed_r_file[metadata_line_functions_start]$line2
  # Now we repeat to src_line_function_end the logic we used for src_line_function_start
  # to obtain it's end on the metadata
  metadata_line_functions_end <- sapply(src_line_functions_end,get_metadata_first_row_id_where,parsed_r_file)

  # Function names are metadata_line_function_start + 1
  src_functions_name <- parsed_r_file[metadata_line_functions_start + 1]$text

  # Collects all the indices above
  function_definition <- data.table(src_functions_name = as.character(src_functions_name),
                                    src_line_functions_start = as.numeric(src_line_functions_start),
                                    src_line_functions_end = as.numeric(src_line_functions_end),
                                    metadata_line_functions_start = as.numeric(metadata_line_functions_start),
                                    metadata_line_functions_end = as.numeric(metadata_line_functions_end),
                                    file_path = as.character(rep(filepath,length(src_functions_name)))
#' Parse R Function Dependencies
#' Identify function calls in an R File.
#' @param parsed_r_file A parsed R file (see \code{\link{parse_rfile_ast}})
#' @param function_definition A list of function definitions (see \code{\link{parse_r_function_definition}})
#' @return Returns a table of 6 columns: src_functions_call_name | src_functions_call_filename |
#' sr_functions_caller_name | src_functions_caller_filename | src_line_functions_call_start |
#' src_line_functions_call_end.
#' The `call` name and filename are the function calls this files perform towards other files. The
#' `caller` name and filename define which functions performed the function call (i.e. the call originate
#' on them). Finally the `call` start and end lines define the line position of `src_functions_call_filename`
#' where the call occurred.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @keywords internal
parse_r_function_dependencies <- function(parsed_r_file,function_definition){
  token <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
  # filepath is the same for all rows since the parameter is an r_file
  filepath <- parsed_r_file$filepath

  # Note parse_r_function_dependencies analyzes one .R file (parsed_r_file) at a time.
  # Specifically, function_definition is subset to only the functions in this file:
  # we are examining what function calls this file makes, and what function
  # definitions they originate from. To analyze other .R files, call this
  # function again on them.
  package_function_definitions <- function_definition
  function_definition <- function_definition[file_path == filepath[1]]

  # If there are no function calls in this file, return an empty table.
  if(nrow(parsed_r_file[token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"]) == 0){
    function_call_edgelist <- data.table(src_functions_call_name = character(),
                                         src_functions_call_filename = character(),
                                         src_functions_caller_name = character(),
                                         src_functions_caller_filename = character(),
                                         src_line_functions_call_start = character(),
                                         src_line_functions_call_end = character())
  # When analyzing non R packages, function calls can occur even when functions
  # are not defined (e.g. R scripts). Since we are not interested in analyzing
  # functions external to the system of interest, we also return an empty table.
  }else if(nrow(function_definition) == 0){
    function_call_edgelist <- data.table(src_functions_call_name = character(),
                                         src_functions_call_filename = character(),
                                         src_functions_caller_name = character(),
                                         src_functions_caller_filename = character(),
                                         src_line_functions_call_start = character(),
                                         src_line_functions_call_end = character())

  # Get metadata of function calls
  src_line_functions_call_start <- parsed_r_file[token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"]$line1
  src_line_functions_call_end <- parsed_r_file[token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"]$line2
  src_functions_call_name <- parsed_r_file[token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"]$text
  # The caller is the parsed_r_file we are currently analyzing
  src_functions_caller_filename <- parsed_r_file[token == "SYMBOL_FUNCTION_CALL"]$filepath

  # Use function_definitions src starting line and call position to find ownerships
  get_function_it_belongs_to <- function(src_line_function_call,src_line_functions_start){
    function_it_belongs_to <- tail(which(src_line_function_call > src_line_functions_start),1)
    return(ifelse(length(function_it_belongs_to) == 0,NA,function_it_belongs_to))
  # An edge case is library() calls in an R file.
  # sapply will return a list instead of a vector,if not handled properly.
  # in essence, the which below will return integer(0) since it can't find a function.
  # the ifelse handles that

  function_it_belongs_to <- sapply(src_line_functions_call_start,

  src_functions_caller_name <- function_definition[function_it_belongs_to]$src_functions_name

  # Find the file from the definition by "look up" on the package all functions definition table
  function_definition_filepath_mapping <- package_function_definitions$file_path
  names(function_definition_filepath_mapping) <- package_function_definitions$src_functions_name
  src_functions_call_filename <- function_definition_filepath_mapping[src_functions_call_name]

  # Use function call metadata and function definition ownership names to construct edgelist of all calls
  # note src_functions_caller_name will have value <NA> if the function call does not have
  # a function owner
  function_call_edgelist <- data.table(src_functions_call_name,

  function_call_edgelist <- function_call_edgelist[complete.cases(function_call_edgelist)]
sailuh/kaiaulu documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 3:14 a.m.