
These files are autogenerated, do not edit manually it's a lost cause.

To generate these files:

1) Add roxygen2-compatible comments on the functions, here's an example:

#' This function makes rocks
#' By harnessing the power of the sun (a global variable)
#' this function creates approximately spherical rocks for you.
#' @param r radius of the approximate sphere in meters
#' @param h hardness index of the rock, in Mohs hardness units
#' @return a rock
#' @export
make_rock = function(r = 1, h = 1) {
  if (r <= 0)
    stop("The radius of the rock must be a positive number.")
  if (h <= 0)
    stop("This function only makes rocks, not dust.")
  rock = sun$rock_out(r, h)

Check the roxygen2 doc for additional options if needed. The key is giving a short description (the first special comment line), giving a long description only if necessary (paragraph after the first line). Describing the names and meaning of each parameter

2) Run `roxygen2::roxygenize("<path-to-package-root")

3) This should create .Rd files in the man subdirectory.

3) Add/commit them to the git repo.

4) Celebrate.

sakrejda/micropackage-template documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:16 p.m.