Avoid R CMD check NOTES about undefined global objects


utils::globalVariables(names = c(".",
                                 # other



pkg_mgr_hint <- function(software = names(pkg_mgr_software)) {

  software <- rlang::arg_match(software)

  result <- ""

  if (checkmate::test_os(os = "mac")) {
    result %<>% paste0(pkg_mgr_prose(software = software,
                                     pkg_mgrs = "brew"))

  } else if (checkmate::test_os(os = "windows")) {
    result %<>% paste0(pkg_mgr_prose(software = software,
                                     pkg_mgrs = c("scoop", "choco")))



pkg_mgr_prose <- function(software,
                          pkg_mgrs = c("brew", "scoop", "choco")) {
  pkg_mgr_names <-
    pkg_mgrs |>
    dplyr::case_match("brew" ~ "Homebrew",
                      "scoop" ~ "Scoop",
                      "choco" ~ "Chocolatey")

  pkg_mgr_software |>
    purrr::chuck(software) |>
    purrr::keep_at(at = pkg_mgrs) |>
    purrr::map2_chr(.y = pkg_mgr_names,
                    .f = \(x, y) paste0(y, " ({.code ", x$cmd, "})")) |>
    pal::enum_str(sep2 = " or ") |>
    pal::when(length(.) > 0L ~ paste0(" ", software, " is also available via ", ., "."),
              ~ "")


this_pkg <- utils::packageName()


Spoken language



DEPRECATED: stringi::stri_datetime_format(format = c("date_short", "date_medium", "date_long", "date_full"), locale = "de-CH") is superior in every regard!



#' Prettify date
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Use [stringi::stri_datetime_format()] instead:
#' ```r
#' stringi::stri_datetime_format(format = c("date_short", "date_medium", "date_long", "date_full"),
#'                               locale = "en")
#' ```
#' @details
#' Note that `prettify_date()` might only work on (Ubuntu) Linux in the current form since locales are one bitchy hell of a PITA...
#' @param date Date to be prettified. A [date][base::Date] or something coercible to.
#' @param locale Locale the date should be prettified for. Currently only `"en"`/`"en-US"` and `"de"`/`"de-CH"` are implemented.
#' @return A character scalar.
#' @family spoken
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' salim:::prettify_date("2021-12-21")
prettify_date <- function(date,
                          locale = c("en", "de", "en-US", "de-CH")) {

  lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.0.9015",
                            what = "prettify_date()",
                            details = paste0('Use the more powerful and more robust `stringi::stri_datetime_format(format = c("date_short", "date_medium", ',
                                             '"date_long", "date_full"), locale = "en")` function instead.'))

  locale <- rlang::arg_match(locale)

  withr::with_locale(new = c(LC_TIME = pal::when(. = locale,
                                                 . %in% c("en", "en-US") ~ "C",
                                                 . %in% c("de", "de-CH") ~ "de_CH.utf8")),
                     code =
                       locale |>
                       pal::when(. %in% c("en", "en-US") ~
                                   "%B %d, %Y",
                                 . %in% c("de", "de-CH") ~
                                   "%d. %B %Y",
                                 ~ cli::cli_abort("Specified {.arg locale} not implemented yet.")) |>
                       format(x = lubridate::as_date(date)))


DEPRECATED, see above.

#' Prettify datetime
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' Use [stringi::stri_datetime_format()] instead:
#' ```r
#' stringi::stri_datetime_format(format = c("datetime_short", "datetime_medium", "datetime_long", "datetime_full"),
#'                               locale = "en")
#' ```
#' @details
#' Note that `prettify_datetime()` might only work on (Ubuntu) Linux in the current form since locales are one bitchy hell of a PITA...
#' @param datetime Datetime to be prettified. A [datetime][base::DateTimeClasses] or something coercible to.
#' @param locale Locale the datetime should be prettified for. Currently only `"en"`/`"en-US"` and `"de"`/`"de-CH"` are implemented.
#' @return A character scalar.
#' @family spoken
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' salim:::prettify_datetime("2021-12-21T00:00:01Z")
prettify_datetime <- function(datetime,
                              locale = c("en", "de", "en-US", "de-CH")) {

  lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "0.0.9015",
                            what = "prettify_datetime()",
                            details = paste0('Use the more powerful and more robust `stringi::stri_datetime_format(format = c("datetime_short", ',
                                             '"datetime_medium", "datetime_long", "datetime_full"), locale = "en")` function instead.'))

  locale <- rlang::arg_match(locale)

  withr::with_locale(new = c(LC_TIME = pal::when(. = locale,
                                                 . %in% c("en", "en-US") ~ "C",
                                                 . %in% c("de", "de-CH") ~ "de_CH.utf8")),
                     code =
                       locale |>
                       pal::when(. %in% c("en", "en-US") ~
                                   "%B %d, %Y, %I:%M %p",
                                 . %in% c("de", "de-CH") ~
                                   "%d. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr",
                                 ~ cli::cli_abort("Specified {.arg locale} not implemented yet.")) |>
                       format(x = lubridate::as_datetime(datetime)))


#' Convert an integer into spelled abbreviated English or German rank
#' @param x An integer scalar or something coercible to.
#' @param lang The language to write the rank in.
#' @return A character scalar.
#' @family spoken
#' @export
rank_nr <- function(x,
                    lang = c("en", "de")) {

  lang <- rlang::arg_match(lang)
  result <- "?"

  if (length(x) > 0L) {

    if (lang == "de") {
      result <- switch(EXPR = as.character(as.integer(x)),
                       "1" = "erste",
                       "2" = "zweite",
                       "3" = "dritte",
                       "4" = "vierte",
                       "5" = "f\u00fcnfte",
                       "6" = "sechste",
                       "7" = "siebte",
                       "8" = "achte",
                       "9" = "neunte",

    } else if (lang == "en") {
      result <- switch(EXPR = as.character(as.integer(x)),
                       "1" = "1st",
                       "2" = "2nd",
                       "3" = "3rd",
                       "4" = "4th",
                       "5" = "5th",
                       "6" = "6th",
                       "7" = "7th",
                       "8" = "8th",
                       "9" = "9th",




#' Write out a count
#' @param n The count to write out in letters. A non-negative integer scalar.
#' @param lang The language to write out `n` in.
#' @param use_singular Use a definite descriptor for `n = 0` and `n = 1` instead of the indistinct number. A logical scalar.
#' @param use_dual Use a definite descriptor for `n = 2` instead of the indistinct number. A logical scalar.
#' @param strip_article Strip the definite article from the definite descriptors. Only relevant if at least one of `use_singular` or `use_dual` is `TRUE`. A
#'   logical scalar.
#' @return A character scalar.
#' @seealso [gt::vec_fmt_spelled_num()] which spells out integers from 0 to 100 in `r length(setdiff(colnames(gt:::spelled_num), "number"))` different locales.
#' @family spoken
#' @export
write_out_n <- function(n,
                        lang = c("en", "de"),
                        use_singular = FALSE,
                        use_dual = FALSE,
                        strip_article = use_dual) {

  n %<>% checkmate::assert_count() %>% as.character()
  lang <- rlang::arg_match(lang)

  if (lang == "en") {

    result <- switch(EXPR = n,
                     `0` = ifelse(use_singular,
                     `1` = ifelse(use_singular,
                     `2` = ifelse(use_dual,
                                  "the two",

  } else if (lang == "de") {

    result <- switch(EXPR = n,
                     `0` = ifelse(use_singular,
                     `1` = ifelse(use_singular,
                     `2` = ifelse(use_dual,
                                  "die beiden",
                     `3` = "drei",
                     `4` = "vier",
                     `5` = "f\u00fcnf",
                     `6` = "sechs",
                     `7` = "sieben",
                     `8` = "acht",
                     `9` = "neun")

  if (strip_article) {
    result %<>% stringr::str_remove(pattern = switch(EXPR = lang,
                                                     de = "^[Dd]ie ?",
                                                     en = "^[Tt]he ?"))




#' Append `"n"` to indefinite article where indicated
#' Appends an `"n"` to the indefinite article "a" if required by English language rules.
#' Note that this function only covers part of all cases where "an" instead of "a" is indicated. Since the choice of _a_ or _an_ [depends on sound, not 
#' spelling](, it's not trivial to implement a universal solution.
#' For example, this function doesn't properly append an `"n"` to the indefinite article in the following situations:
#' - A word starting with the letter "u" where it is pronounced as a vowel, e.g. _**unhappy**_. Note that most English words starting with letter "u" are
#'   pronounced differently like _universum_ and thus require the indefinite article _a_, not _an_.
#' - A word starting with a consonant that is pronounced as a vowel, e.g. _**hour**_.
#' @param x A character vector.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @family spoken
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n_ify("This is a absolute disaster, such a error.")
n_ify <- function(x) {

  purrr::map_chr(.x = x,
                 .f = \(s) stringr::str_replace_all(string = s,
                                                    pattern = "(^[Aa]| a)(?= [AaEeOoIi]\\w+)",
                                                    replacement = "\\1n"))



#' Get the German definite article
#' @param gender The grammatical gender of the subject the definite article refers to.
#' @param case The grammatical case of the subject the definite article refers to.
#' @param pluralize Whether to return the plural form of the definite article. A logical scalar.
#' @return A character scalar.
#' @family spoken
#' @export
definite_article_de <- function(gender = c("feminine",
                                case = c("nominative",
                                pluralize = FALSE) {

  gender <- rlang::arg_match(gender)
  case <- rlang::arg_match(case)

  if (checkmate::assert_flag(pluralize)) {

    switch(EXPR = case,
           nominative = "die",
           genitive = "der",
           dative = "den",
           accusative = "die")

  } else {

    switch(EXPR = case,
           nominative = switch(EXPR = gender,
                               feminine = "die",
                               masculine = "der",
                               neuter = "das"),
           genitive = switch(EXPR = gender,
                             feminine = "der",
           dative = switch(EXPR = gender,
                           feminine = "der",
           accusative = switch(EXPR = gender,
                               feminine = "die",
                               masculine = "den",
                               neuter = "das"))


#' Decline the German definite article
#' The declination of the German definite article [is a relative pronoun](,_die,_das).
#' Note that the second singular feminine and plural genitive form `"derer"` is ignored by this function.
#' @inheritParams definite_article_de
#' @inherit definite_article_de return
#' @family spoken
#' @export
definite_article_de_declined <- function(gender = c("feminine",
                                         case = c("nominative",
                                         pluralize = FALSE) {
  gender <- rlang::arg_match(gender)
  case <- rlang::arg_match(case)

  if (checkmate::assert_flag(pluralize)) {

    switch(EXPR = case,
           nominative = "die",
           genitive = "deren",
           dative = "deren",
           accusative = "die")

  } else {

    switch(EXPR = case,
           nominative = switch(EXPR = gender,
                               feminine = "die",
                               masculine = "der",
                               neuter = "das"),
           genitive = switch(EXPR = gender,
                             feminine = "deren",
           dative = switch(EXPR = gender,
                           feminine = "der",
           accusative = switch(EXPR = gender,
                               feminine = "die",
                               masculine = "den",
                               neuter = "das"))


#' Add the German definite article in dative case to a preposition
#' @param preposition The preposition to add the German definite article in dative case to. A character scalar.
#' @param gender The grammatical gender of the `preposition`.
#' @inherit definite_article_de return
#' @family spoken
#' @export
add_definite_article_de <- function(preposition,
                                    gender = c("feminine",
                                               "neuter")) {
  gender <- rlang::arg_match(gender)

  if (gender == "feminine") {

    preposition |> pal::when(stringr::str_to_lower(.) == "zu" ~ paste0(., "r"),
                             ~ paste0(., " ", definite_article_de(gender = "feminine",
                                                                  case = "dative")))
  } else {

    preposition |> pal::when(stringr::str_to_lower(.) %in% c("bei", "zu") ~ paste0(., "m"),
                             stringr::str_to_lower(.) %in% c("in", "an") ~ stringr::str_replace(string = .,
                                                                                                pattern = "n$",
                                                                                                replacement = "m"),
                             ~ paste0(., " ", definite_article_de(gender = "masculine",
                                                                  case = "dative")))



#' Decline a German noun
#' Note that this function is far from covering all grammatical possibilities. I.a. it currently doesn't support the [special
#' cases]( where a masculine noun gets an `n` or `en` ending attached in
#' the accusative, dative and genitive cases.
#' @param noun The noun to decline, optionally with preceding adjective(s), in (indefinite) nominative. A character scalar.
#' @param gender The grammatical gender of the `noun`.
#' @param case The grammatical case of the `noun`.
#' @param is_plural Whether or not `noun` is a plural.
#' @inherit definite_article_de return
#' @family spoken
#' @export
decline_noun_de <- function(noun,
                            gender = c("feminine",
                            case = c("nominative",
                            is_plural = FALSE) {

  gender <- rlang::arg_match(gender)
  case <- rlang::arg_match(case)

  result <- noun

  if (gender != "feminine" && case == "genitive") {

    result %<>% pal::when(stringr::str_detect(string = ., pattern = "(ss|\U00DF|x|z)$") ~ paste0(., "es"),
                          endsWith(., "s") ~ paste0(., "ses"),
                          ~ paste0(., "s"))

    # decline preceeding adjectives
  } else if (case %in% c("genitive", "dative") || (case == "accusative" && is_plural)) {
    result %<>% stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "((?:^|[:blank:])[:alnum:]+e)([:blank:])(?!\\s*$)",
                                         replacement = "\\1n\\2")


Regular expression rules


#' Regular expression patterns and replacements for spelling normalization
#' @format `r pkgsnip::return_lbl("tibble")`
#' @seealso
#' Other regular expression rules: [`yay::regex_text_normalization`], [`yay::regex_file_normalization`]
#' String normalization functions: [yay::str_normalize()], [yay::str_normalize_file()]
#' @examples
#' # unnest the pattern column
#' salim::regex_spelling_normalization |> tidyr::unnest_longer(col = pattern)


TODO: Move these fns to dedicated pkg pndc? Then the pandoc templates at should be moved inside the pndc pkg repo, but build-ignored.


#' Download Pandoc release
#' Downloads the [assets][pandoc_release_assets] and extracts the executable program binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows of the specified Pandoc release.
#' @inheritParams pandoc_release_assets
#' @param os The operating system(s) for which Pandoc binaries should be downloaded. Any combination of
#'   `r pal::fn_param_defaults(param = "os", fn = download_pandoc_binaries) |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> cli::ansi_collapse(last = " and ")`.
#' @param path The filesystem path to which the binaries are saved to. A [path][fs::fs_path] or something coercible to.
#' @param overwrite Whether to overwrite existing binaries under `path`.
#' @return `path` invisibly.
#' @family pandoc
#' @seealso GitHub release functions: [yay::gh_releases()], [yay::gh_release_latest()]
#' @export
download_pandoc_binaries <- function(release_id = yay::gh_release_latest(owner = "jgm",
                                                                         name = "pandoc")$id,
                                     os = c("linux", "macos", "windows"),
                                     path = "bin/",
                                     overwrite = TRUE) {
                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
                           choices = eval(formals()$os),
                           empty.ok = FALSE)
                                    overwrite = TRUE)

  path_tmp <- fs::path_temp()

  assets <-
    pandoc_release_assets(release_id = release_id) |>
    dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(string = filename,
                                      pattern = paste0("(?i)", pal::fuse_regex(os), "(-(amd64|x86_64))?\\.(zip|tar\\.gz)"))) |>
    dplyr::mutate(download_path = fs::path(path_tmp, filename))

  # download assets to tmp dir
  purrr::walk2(.x = assets$download_url,
               .y = assets$download_path,
               .f = \(url, path) utils::download.file(url = url,
                                                      destfile = path,
                                                      method = "auto",
                                                      mode = "wb",
                                                      cacheOK = TRUE,
                                                      quiet = TRUE))
  # extract binaries to tmp dir
  assets |>
    dplyr::select(-download_url) |>
    as.list() |>
    purrr::pwalk(.f = \(filename, os, download_path) {

      path_os_tmp <- fs::path(path_tmp, "pandoc", os)

      # extract all files flat
      if (endsWith(filename, ".zip")) {

        zip::unzip(zipfile = download_path,
                   exdir = path_os_tmp,
                   junkpaths = TRUE)
      } else {

        utils::untar(tarfile = download_path,
                     exdir = path_os_tmp)

        # since `untar()` has no "junkpaths"-like option, we flatten the dir structure ourselves
        fs::dir_ls(path = path_os_tmp,
                   type = "file",
                   recurse = TRUE,
                   all = TRUE) |>
          fs::file_move(new_path = path_os_tmp)

      # delete archive and all extracted files but the Pandoc binary

      fs::dir_ls(path = path_os_tmp,
                 regexp = "[\\/]pandoc(\\.exe)?$",
                 all = TRUE,
                 invert = TRUE) |>

  # move binaries to final dir
  fs::dir_create(path = fs::path(path, "pandoc"))

  path_tmp |>
    fs::path("pandoc") %T>%
    fs::dir_copy(new_path = fs::path(path, "pandoc"),
                 overwrite = overwrite) %>%



#' List Pandoc release assets
#' Uses [gh::gh()] to fetch filenames, corresponding operating systems and download URLs of a specific [GitHub
#' release]( of [Pandoc]( via [GitHub's REST
#' API]( and returns them as a [tibble][tibble::tbl_df].
#' @param release_id The GitHub release identifier of the desired Pandoc release. Use
#'   [`yay::gh_releases(owner = "jgm", name = "pandoc")`][yay::gh_releases] to determine the release identifier of a specific Pandoc version number. An
#'   integer scalar.
#' @return `r pkgsnip::param_lbl("tibble")`
#' @family pandoc
#' @seealso GitHub release functions: [yay::gh_releases()], [yay::gh_release_latest()]
#' @export
pandoc_release_assets <- function(release_id = yay::gh_release_latest(owner = "jgm",
                                                                      name = "pandoc")$id) {
                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
                          positive = TRUE)

  gh::gh(endpoint = "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{release_id}/assets", # nolint
         owner = "jgm",
         repo = "pandoc",
         release_id = release_id,
         .method = "GET") |>
    purrr::map(\(x) tibble::tibble(filename = x$name,
                                   os =
                                     x$name |>
                                     stringr::str_extract(pattern = "(?i)(linux|macos|windows|\\.deb$)") |>
                                     stringr::str_to_lower() |>
                                     stringr::str_replace(pattern = stringr::fixed(".deb"),
                                                          replacement = "linux"),
                                   download_url = x$browser_download_url)) |>


#' Download Pandoc template
#' Downloads one of our [custom Pandoc templates]( and returns it as a character scalar. The template is cached
#' using [pal::req_cached()], thus only re-downloaded if the local copy is outdated.
#' @param tpl Template to download. One of
#'   `r pal::fn_param_defaults(param = "tpl", fn = "pandoc_tpl") |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> cli::ansi_collapse(last = " and ")`.
#' @return The template as a character scalar.
#' @family pandoc
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' salim::pandoc_tpl(tpl = "quarto_mod.latex") |>
#'   brio::write_file(path = "quarto_mod.latex")}
pandoc_tpl <- function(tpl = "quarto_mod.latex") {

  tpl <- rlang::arg_match(tpl)

  (pal::req_cached(url = glue::glue("{tpl}?ref_type=heads&inline=false")) |>

Plot theming


#' Set common ggplot2 geom defaults
#' Sets common ggplot2 geom default settings (currently only font `family`). Convenience wrapper around [ggplot2::update_geom_defaults()].
#' Note that `ggplot2_geom_defaults()` must be invoked *before* plots are created to have any effect.
#' @param family Font family to use in text geoms.
#' @return `NULL`, invisibly.
#' @family plot_theme
#' @export
ggplot2_geom_defaults <- function(family) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())

  ggplot2::update_geom_defaults(geom = "text",
                                new = list(family = family))

  if (pal::is_pkg_installed(pkg = "ggrepel")) {
    ggplot2::update_geom_defaults(geom = ggrepel::GeomTextRepel,
                                  new = list(family = family))



#' Apply common theme to ggplot2 chart
#' Applies common [theming][ggplot2::theme] to a [ggplot2][ggplot2::ggplot2-package] chart. It's based on [ggplot2::theme_minimal()].
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::theme_minimal
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::theme
#' @param axis.title.x,axis.title.y Labels of axes ([ggplot2::element_text()]). Specify all axes' labels (`axis.title`), labels by plane (using `axis.title.x`
#'   or `axis.title.y`), or individually for each axis (using `axis.title.x.bottom`, ``, `axis.title.y.left`, `axis.title.y.right`).
#'   `axis.title.*.*` inherits from `axis.title.*` which inherits from `axis.title`, which in turn inherits from `text`.
#' @param axis.text Tick labels along axes ([ggplot2::element_text()]). Specify all axis tick labels (`axis.text`), tick labels by plane (using `axis.text.x` or
#'   `axis.text.y`), or individually for each axis (using `axis.text.x.bottom`, ``, `axis.text.y.left`, `axis.text.y.right`). `axis.text.*.*`
#'   inherits from `axis.text.*` which inherits from `axis.text`, which in turn inherits from `text`.
#' @param legend.spacing Spacing between legends (`unit`). `legend.spacing.x` & `legend.spacing.y` inherit from `legend.spacing` or can be specified separately.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to [ggplot2::theme()].
#' @return An object of class [`theme`][ggplot2::theme].
#' @family plot_theme
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sysfonts::font_add_google(name = "Alegreya Sans")
#' showtext::showtext_auto()
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = mtcars,
#'                 mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = mpg,
#'                                        y = cyl)) +
#'   ggplot2::geom_point() +
#'   salim::ggplot2_theme(base_size = 12)
# nolint start: object_name_linter.
ggplot2_theme <- function(base_size = 11L,
                          base_family = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "font_family_body",
                                                            pkg = this_pkg),
                          base_line_size = base_size / 22L,
                          base_rect_size = base_size / 22L,
                          axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 20L, r = 0L, b = 0L, l = 0L),
                                                               inherit.blank = TRUE),
                          axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 0L, r = 20L, b = 0L, l = 0L),
                                                               inherit.blank = TRUE),
                          axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(color = "#000",
                                                            inherit.blank = TRUE),
                 = ggplot2::margin(),
                 = ggplot2::element_blank(),
                          legend.margin = ggplot2::margin(),
                          legend.position = "bottom",
                          legend.spacing = grid::unit(x = 0.0,
                                                      units = "npc"),
                          plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(),
                          ...) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())

  ggplot2::theme_minimal(base_size = base_size,
                         base_family = base_family,
                         base_line_size = base_line_size,
                         base_rect_size = base_rect_size) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.title.x = axis.title.x,
                   axis.title.y = axis.title.y,
                   axis.text = axis.text,
                   legend.margin = legend.margin,
                   legend.position = legend.position,
                   legend.spacing = legend.spacing,
                   plot.margin = plot.margin,
# nolint end



#' Add common HTML-specific theme to ggplot2 chart
#' Dynamically adds common HTML-specific [theming][ggplot2::theme] to a [ggplot2][ggplot2::ggplot2-package] chart. It depends on the current [knitr output
#' format][knitr::pandoc_to] whether the additional HTML-specific theming is actually added or not.
#' Note that `ggplot2_theme_html()` must be evaluated *during* [knitting][knitr::knit] to work properly.
#' @param .color_text Text color to use for all text elements ([ggplot2::element_text()]) when the knitr output format [is HTML][knitr::is_html_output()].
#' @param .color_bg Background color to use when the knitr output format [is HTML][knitr::is_html_output()].
#' @param .color_grid Grid color to use when the knitr output format [is HTML][knitr::is_html_output()].
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to [ggplot2::theme()] when the knitr output format [is HTML][knitr::is_html_output()].
#' @return An object of class [`theme`][ggplot2::theme].
#' @family plot_theme
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sysfonts::font_add_google(name = "Alegreya Sans")
#' showtext::showtext_auto()
#' ggplot2::ggplot(data = mtcars,
#'                 mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = mpg,
#'                                        y = cyl)) +
#'   ggplot2::geom_point() +
#'   salim::ggplot2_theme() +
#'   salim::ggplot2_theme_html()
ggplot2_theme_html <- function(.color_text = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_body",
                                                                 pkg = this_pkg),
                               .color_bg = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_bg",
                                                               pkg = this_pkg),
                               .color_grid = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_grid",
                                                                 pkg = this_pkg),
                               ...) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())

  result <- ggplot2::theme()

  if (knitr::is_html_output()) {

    result <- result + ggplot2::theme(line = ggplot2::element_line(color = .color_text,
                                                                   inherit.blank = TRUE),
                                      rect = ggplot2::element_rect(color = .color_text,
                                                                   inherit.blank = TRUE),
                                      text = ggplot2::element_text(color = .color_text,
                                                                   inherit.blank = TRUE),
                                      axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(color = .color_text,
                                                                        inherit.blank = TRUE),
                                      legend.background     = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = .color_bg,
                                                                                    color = NA_character_),
                             = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = .color_bg,
                                                                                    color = NA_character_),
                                      legend.key            = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = .color_bg,
                                                                                    color = NA_character_),
                                      panel.background      = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = .color_bg,
                                                                                    color = NA_character_),
                                      panel.grid            = ggplot2::element_line(color = .color_grid),
                                      plot.background       = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = .color_bg,
                                                                                    color = NA_character_),



#' Apply common layout to Plotly chart
#' Applies common [layout][plotly::layout] configuration to a [Plotly][plotly::plot_ly] chart.
#' @inheritParams plotlee::simplify_trace_ids
#' @param font [Global font]( Fonts used in traces and other layout components inherit from the global font.
#' @param paper_bgcolor [Background color of the paper]( where the graph is drawn.
#' @param plot_bgcolor [Background color of the plotting area]( in-between x and y axes.
#' @param xaxis [X-axis configuration](
#' @param yaxis [Y-axis configuration](
#' @param ... Further [layout configuration]( arguments.
#' @return `r pkgsnip::return_lbl("plotly_obj")`
#' @family plot_theme
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotly::plot_ly(data = mtcars,
#'                 type = "bar",
#'                 x = ~mpg) |>
#'   salim::plotly_layout(font = list(color = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_body",
#'                                                                pkg = "salim")))
plotly_layout <- function(p,
                          font = list(color = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_body",
                                                                  pkg = this_pkg),
                                      family = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "font_family_body",
                                                                   pkg = this_pkg)),
                          paper_bgcolor = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_bg",
                                                              pkg = this_pkg),
                          plot_bgcolor  = paper_bgcolor,
                          xaxis = list(gridcolor = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_grid",
                                                                       pkg = this_pkg)),
                          yaxis = list(gridcolor = pal::pkg_config_val(key = "plot_color_grid",
                                                                       pkg = this_pkg)),
                          ...) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
  plotly::layout(p = p,
                 font = font,
                 paper_bgcolor = paper_bgcolor,
                 plot_bgcolor  = plot_bgcolor,
                 xaxis = xaxis,
                 yaxis = yaxis,

Development environment currentness


#' Level up R
#' Checks whether the installed R version is >= a cached reference version. Intended to level up the R version in use between multiple users of the same code
#' (e.g. contributors to a specific R project).
#' If the file `path_min_vrsn` exists, it is checked whether the installed R version is greater than or equal to the version number stored in that file, and if
#' not, an alert is displayed.
#' If `update_min_vrsn` is set to `TRUE` and the file `path_min_vrsn` doesn't exist or contains an R version string that's lower than the currently installed
#' version of R, `path_min_vrsn` is overwritten with the currently installed R version string.
#' @param path_min_vrsn Path to the cached R version string.
#' @param update_min_vrsn Whether or not to overwrite `path_min_vrsn` with the currently installed R version string *iff* the latter is higher than the former.
#' @return Currently installed R version as a [numeric version][as.package_version], invisibly.
#' @family dev_env
#' @export
lvl_up_r <- function(path_min_vrsn,
                     update_min_vrsn = FALSE) {


  if (fs::file_exists(path_min_vrsn)) {

    min_vrsn <-
      path_min_vrsn |>
      brio::read_lines(n = 1L) |>

  } else {
    min_vrsn <- as.package_version("0.0")

  current_vrsn <-
    R.Version() %$%
    glue::glue("{major}.{minor}") |>

  if (isTRUE(current_vrsn < min_vrsn)) {

      "Your version of {.pkg R} is out of date. Please update to version {.val {min_vrsn}} or above. The latest stable release is available at ",
      "{.url}.", pkg_mgr_hint("R")

  if (update_min_vrsn && current_vrsn > min_vrsn) {

    brio::write_lines(text = current_vrsn,
                      path = path_min_vrsn)



#' Level up RStudio
#' Checks whether the currently running [RStudio]( version is >= a cached reference version. Intended to level up the 
#' RStudio version in use between multiple users of the same code (e.g. contributors to a specific R project).
#' If the file `path_min_vrsn` exists, it is checked whether RStudio is running, and if so, whether its version number is greater than or equal to the version
#' number stored in that file. If this is not the case, an alert is displayed.
#' If `update_min_vrsn` is set to `TRUE` and the file `path_min_vrsn` doesn't exist or contains an RStudio version string that's lower than the currently
#' running version of RStudio, `path_min_vrsn` is overwritten with the currently running RStudio version string.
#' Note that since **RStudio must be running for `lvl_up_rstudio()` to have any effect**, it can't be directly called in a (project-level)
#' [`.Rprofile`](
#' startup script. Instead, the [`rstudio.sessionInit`]( hook can be used.
#' Example:
#' ```r
#' setHook(hookName = "rstudio.sessionInit",
#'         value = function(newSession) {
#'             if (newSession)
#'                 salim::lvl_up_rstudio(path_min_vrsn = ".RStudio_version",
#'                                       update_min_vrsn = TRUE)
#'         },
#'         action = "append")
#' ```
#' @param path_min_vrsn Path to the cached RStudio version string.
#' @param update_min_vrsn Whether or not to overwrite `path_min_vrsn` with the currently running RStudio version string *iff* the latter is higher than the
#'   former.
#' @return Currently running RStudio version as a [numeric version][as.package_version], or `NULL` if RStudio is not running, invisibly.
#' @family dev_env
#' @export
lvl_up_rstudio <- function(path_min_vrsn,
                           update_min_vrsn = FALSE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
  current_vrsn <- NULL

  # skip if RStudio is not running
  if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {

    if (fs::file_exists(path_min_vrsn)) {

      min_vrsn <-
        path_min_vrsn |>
        brio::read_lines(n = 1L) |>

    } else {
      min_vrsn <- as.package_version("0.0")

    current_vrsn <-
      rstudioapi::versionInfo() |>

    if (isTRUE(current_vrsn < min_vrsn)) {

        "Your version of {.pkg RStudio} is out of date. Please update to version {.val {min_vrsn}} or above. The latest version is available at ",
        "{.url}.", pkg_mgr_hint("RStudio")

    if (update_min_vrsn && current_vrsn > min_vrsn) {

      brio::write_lines(text = current_vrsn,
                        path = path_min_vrsn)



#' Level up Quarto
#' Checks whether the installed [Quarto]( version is >= a cached reference version. Intended to level up the Quarto version in use between
#' multiple users of the same code (e.g. contributors to a specific Quarto project).
#' @param path_min_vrsn Path to the cached Quarto version string.
#' @param update_min_vrsn Whether or not to overwrite `path_min_vrsn` with the currently installed Quarto version string *iff* the latter is higher than the
#'   former.
#' @return Currently installed Quarto version as a [numeric version][numeric_version], invisibly.
#' @family dev_env
#' @export
lvl_up_quarto <- function(path_min_vrsn,
                          update_min_vrsn = FALSE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())

  if (fs::file_exists(path_min_vrsn)) {

    min_vrsn <-
      path_min_vrsn |>
      brio::read_lines(n = 1L) |>

  } else {
    min_vrsn <- as.package_version("0.0")

  current_vrsn <-
    quarto::quarto_path() |>
    system2(args = "--version",
            stdout = TRUE,
            stderr = TRUE) |>

  if (isTRUE(current_vrsn < min_vrsn)) {

      "Your version of {.pkg Quarto} is out of date. Please update to version {.val {min_vrsn}} or above. The latest stable release is available at ",
      "{.url}.", pkg_mgr_hint("Quarto")

  if (update_min_vrsn && current_vrsn > min_vrsn) {

    brio::write_lines(text = current_vrsn,
                      path = path_min_vrsn)



#' Update R packages from
#' Installs/updates \R packages from []( to the latest (development) version.
#' @param pkgs R pkgs to be updated. A subset of:
#'   `r pal::fn_param_defaults(fn = "update_rpkgs", param = "pkgs") |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> pal::as_md_list()`
#' @param from_cran Whether or not to install `pkgs` from a [CRAN]( repository
#'   if possible. The repository URLs set in the [`repos`][options] \R option are used by default, with fallback to ``. If `FALSE`,
#'   the latest *development* versions are always installed, regardless of whether `pkgs` are available on CRAN or not.
#' @return `pkgs`, invisibly.
#' @family dev_env
#' @export
update_rpkgs <- function(pkgs = c("nocodb",
                         from_cran = FALSE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
  pkgs <- rlang::arg_match(pkgs,
                           multiple = TRUE)
              \(x) {

                if (pal::is_pkg_cran(x)) {
                  utils::install.packages(pkgs = x,
                                          repos = getOption("repos",
                                                            default = ""))
                } else {
                  remotes::install_gitlab(repo = paste0("", x), # nolint: paste_linter
                                          upgrade = FALSE)



#' Update Salim B's R packages
#' Installs/updates all of [Salim B's R packages]( to the latest (development) version.
#' @inheritParams update_rpkgs
#' @param pkgs R pkgs to be updated. A subset of:
#'   `r pal::fn_param_defaults(fn = "update_salims_pkgs", param = "pkgs") |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> pal::as_md_list()`
#' @return `pkgs`, invisibly.
#' @family dev_env
#' @export
update_salims_pkgs <- function(pkgs = c("salim",
                               from_cran = FALSE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
  pkgs <- rlang::arg_match(pkgs,
                           multiple = TRUE)
              \(x) {

                if (pal::is_pkg_cran(x)) {
                  utils::install.packages(pkgs = x,
                                          repos = getOption("repos",
                                                            default = ""))
                } else {
                  remotes::install_gitlab(repo = paste0("salim_b/r/pkgs/", x), # nolint: paste_linter
                                          upgrade = FALSE)



#' Update R packages from the Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau (ZDA)
#' Installs/updates all of the [R packages from the Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau (ZDA)]( to the latest (development)
#' version.
#' @inheritParams update_rpkgs
#' @param pkgs R pkgs to be updated. A subset of:
#'   `r pal::fn_param_defaults(fn = "update_zdaarau_pkgs", param = "pkgs") |> pal::wrap_chr("\x60") |> pal::as_md_list()`
#' @return `pkgs`, invisibly.
#' @family dev_env
#' @export
update_zdaarau_pkgs <- function(pkgs = c("",
                                from_cran = FALSE) {

                         reason = pal::reason_pkg_required())
  pkgs <- rlang::arg_match(pkgs,
                           multiple = TRUE)

              \(x) {

                if (from_cran && pal::is_pkg_cran(x)) {
                  utils::install.packages(pkgs = x,
                                          repos = getOption("repos",
                                                            default = ""))
                } else {
                  remotes::install_gitlab(repo = paste0("zdaarau/rpkgs/", x), # nolint: paste_linter
                                          upgrade = FALSE)


salim-b/salim documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 8:46 a.m.