Web Application for Health Economics Decision Making (WAHEco)

You can use this library to model study case in health economics decision making or you can use the internal architecture web application for another customized web application.


This package has a general custom architecture web application using shiny, shinydashboard, shiny.route and heemod libraries, it has some web modules for health economics decision making and anyone can create news customized modules or component for later they are added to the web application container AppRoot.


It's neccesary to install the following libraries to execute the demo version


In order to execute a version demo of web application, we are execute the following commands in an environment R:

runGitHub(repo = "WAHEco", username = "salmuz", subdir = "inst/shinyapp/capionis")


salmuz/WAHEco documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:36 a.m.