uniqueperm: uniqueperm: A package for efficient unique random permutation...

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Biologists often depend on statistical methods that use random permutations to quantify significance. These methods produce an empirical null distribution by repeatedly permuting class labels and performing the statistical test; the results obtained using the actual class labels are then compared against the empirical null distribution. To avoid biases in performing such calculations, the permutations should be sampled without replacement. However, existing software packages sample with replacement due to the computational complexity of ensuring that permuted vectors are unique. Phipson and Smyth have demonstrated that sampling with replacement often results in empirical p-values that are understated, thus increasing the type I error rate. To date, no computationally efficient method for ensuring the uniqueness of permutation vectors is widely used. To address this problem, we used a crowd-sourcing approach, extending the challenge of creating an efficient algorithm for generating unique permutations to 26 undergraduate students in Brigham Young University’s capstone bioinformatics class. Analysis of the time and space efficiency of these methods led us to identify three distinct algorithms that each can generate 1,000,000 unique permutations of a binary vector of 1000 observations in around 30 seconds. This package is the implementation of the best of these algorithms, which utilizes C++ bitsets to decrease memory load and random_shuffle to increase speed.


Phipson, B. & Smyth, G. K. Permutation P-values should never be zero: calculating exact P-values when permutations are randomly drawn. Stat. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol. 9, 39 (2010).

samanthaleejensen/uniqueperm documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:52 p.m.