Man pages for samuelbosch/sdmpredictors
Species Distribution Modelling Predictor Datasets

calculate_statisticsCalculate statistics for a given raster.
compress_fileCompress a file
correlation_groupsGroups layers based on the Pearson correlation
dataset_citationsGenerate dataset citations
decompress_fileDecompress a file
equalareaprojWorld Behrmann equal area coordinate reference system...
equalarea_projectProject and saves a layer from WGS84 (EPGS:4326) to Behrmann...
get_datadirGet data directory
get_future_layersGet the name of future climate layer(s) based on the current...
get_layers_infoLayer info for specific layer codes
get_paleo_layersGet the name of paleo climate layer(s) based on the current...
layer_citationsGenerate citations for all layers
layers_correlationGives the Pearson correlation between layers
layer_statsGives basic layer statistics
list_datasetsLists the supported datasets
list_layersList the current climate layers provided by one or more...
list_layers_futureList the future climate layers provided by one or more...
list_layers_paleoList the paleo climate layers provided by one or more...
load_layersLoad layers
lonlatprojLongitude/latitude coordinate reference system (EPSG:4326),...
pearson_correlationCalculate Pearson correlation coefficient for part of a...
pearson_correlation_matrixCalculate the Pearson correlation coefficient matrix for a...
plot_correlationPlot the correlation matrix for the provided layercodes
sdmpredictorssdmpredictors: Species Distribution Modeling Predictor...
sdm_to_boTranslate file name from sdmpredictors to bio-oracle
samuelbosch/sdmpredictors documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 1:05 p.m.