
This is an R wrapper from the AWS Command Line Interface that provides methods to send messages using Amazon Simple Notification Service. You can create as many topics as you want, subscribe users to a topic and send notifications to them via SMS or e-mail. It also provides a function to automatically install AWS CLI, but you can download it and install it manually if you prefer.

To use raws.sns package, you will need an AWS account and create a profile. To do this, go to your AWS account and generate your credentials on IAM Management Console. This process will generate an access key and a secret key, use them to create a profile. Your profile can be easily created using raws.profile package.


You can install the released version of raws.sns from CRAN with:

``` r install.packages("raws.sns")

To upgrade to the latest version of raws.sns, run the following
command and restart your r session:

  ``` r

Installing the AWS CLI

The AWS CLI is required for raws.sns work. You can install using the function below:

``` r aws_cli_install()

## Create topic

This is a basic example which shows you how to create your topics:

``` r
 # create a topic
 create_topic(topic_name = "your_topic_name",
              display_name = "testing")

 # verifying the topics in your profile             


You can menage your subscriptions using subscribe() and unsubscribe()

subscribe(topic = "raws_sns_test",
          protocol = c("sms", "email", "sms"),
          endpoint = c("+55819902", "", "+55819903"))

unsubscribe(topic = "raws_sns_test",
            endpoint = "+55819902")

# verifying your subscriptions             

Sending notifications

A message sent to a topic will be delivered to each registered user in this topic. Note that SMS is only available in us-east-1 region.

send_message("raws_sns_test", subject = "test", message = "12345")

Delete your topic

You can delete using delete_topic().

 # delete your topic
 delete_topic(topic = "your_topic_name")

samuelmacedo83/raws.sns documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:57 a.m.