Man pages for sanmai-NL/feat
Extract (Linguistic) Structural and Surface Features from XML Documents

Annotations-classAn annotations table
ArcCategories-classA set of arc category sets
DesignMatrix-classA design matrix
extract_featuresTo extract features of an object
FeatureRepresentation-classA virtual class for feature representations
FeaturesExtractionParameters-classParameters of the features extraction job
FilesystemPath-classA string representing a filesystem path
metadata_read_annotations_tableTo read an annotations table template
metadata_verify_annotation_table_consistencyTo verify an annotations table template
metadata_write_annotations_table_templateTo write an annotations table template
objects_process_collectionTo process all objects in a collection with one or more...
objects_process_objectTo process an object
objects_process_with_feature_representationTo process objects according to a feature representation...
objects_read_or_process_with_feature_representationTo process objects according to a feature representation
SrfFeatureRepresentation-classSurface ('SRF') feature representation
StrctFeatureRepresentation-classStructural ('STRCT') feature representation
strct_read_arc_category_tablesTo read arc category tables
sanmai-NL/feat documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:47 p.m.