Man pages for sanoke/hetviz
Treatment Effect Heterogeneity visualization

collapsePropCalculates proportions of individuals in a 2x2 table of (trt,...
covarInDatasetChecking whether a specific covariate is present
covarProfilesGenerates figure for 'Covariate Profiles' tab
dataCompatFormatting data to be compatible wth plotting
expitExpit scale transformation
flexPlot.byStratumDynamically produce the code for the "Viz by Subgroup" tab
forestPlotGenerates figure for 'Forest Plot' tab
forestPlotGen.fewGroupsGenerates individual-level figure for 'Forest Plot' tab
forestPlotGen.manyGroupsGenerates individual-level figure for 'Forest Plot' tab
groupQuantilesProduces the ITE quantiles for a specified subgroup
hetvizhetviz: Treatment effect heterogeneity (TEH) visualization
simpleDataASimple simulated data: Confounding and no effect modification
simpleDataBSimple simulated data: Effect modification and no confounding
simpleDataCSimple simulated data: Effect modification and confounding
simpleDataDSimple simulated data: Effect modification and confounding by...
subgroupProfilesGenerates figure for 'Subgroup Profiles' tab
vizByCovarGenerate figure for 'Viz by Covariate' tab
vizBySubgroupGenerates figures for 'Viz by Subgroup' tab
sanoke/hetviz documentation built on March 4, 2020, 7:58 a.m.