scoreDass: Score Depression Anxiety Stress Scale

Description Usage Arguments Examples


This function can be used to score a week's worth of DASS data that has been downloaded from Qualtrics and either append it to a master.csv file or create a master.csv file. If your working directory has a 'master' DASS file in it (e.g., masterCCTDass.csv) where you are combining data from courses of the same class type but from different locations, it will append this week to it and nest the data accordingly. If your working directory does not have a masterCOURSENAMEDass.csv file in it, it will create that file (to the name of your choosing) to start you off collecting data. It assumes that there are two character rows to remove below the header (i.e., rows 1 & 2). It assumes that the participant ID column is labeled 'ID' and that the DASS columns begin with 'DASS_.' It assumes that there are 16 columns to remove from the front of the Qualtrics CSV file. Dependencies: dplyr and tidyr.


scoreDass(currWk, weekNum, courseName, masterFile)



A .csv file for the current week to score that you downloaded from Qualtrics. Use quotes.


Of class character denoting the current week/month that you are going to score. Use quotes.


The course name formatted as follows: locationBeginningAndEndingMonthofCourseYear, where the location is a 3 letter abbreviation and the beginning and ending months are shortened to 3 letters if longer than 5 letters and do not include follow-up months. Use quotes. See example.


A .csv file that includes computed DASS scores from all courses of a specific type. If this is the first course of a specific class type that you are scoring, I will create the file for you as long as you input a file name in quotes with a .csv extension. Use quotes.


scoreDass(currWk = "SacCCTWeek5A.csv", timepoint = "5A",
courseName = "sacAprilJune2016", masterFile = "masterCCTDass.csv")

santiallende/PsychLab documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:24 a.m.