This packages is an assigment of the Coursera course "Building R Packages". It allows mapping test data from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on traffic accidents.

This repo includes A DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file an R/ folder where some R functions are stored in fars_functions.R a man/ folder presenting the functions found in R/ and documented using Roxygen2 A vignettes/ folder including an example of running the functions in R/ * A tests/ folder with a test of the functions output


To install this package to run on your system, please first install and load the devtools package. Then install and load this package:



To get started, read the fars vignette: vignette('fars', package = 'Building-an-R-Package').

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saptarsi-chowdhury/Building-an-R-Package documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.