Man pages for sarahodell/magicsim
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

backcrossbackcross ————- Backcross an Indv object
backcross_popbackcross_pop ————- Intialize a Pop object created by...
chrom_initIntialize a chromosome object (diploid)
count_breakpointsCount the number of breakpoints per individual
crossoverSimulate a crossover between homologous chromosomes of a...
get_gametesGenerates a gamete randomly from one of the two chromosomes,...
indv_initIntialize an Indv object
interferenceIf the two crossover events are too close to each other, only...
make_dhmake_dh —————- Creates an Indv object of doubled...
make_dh_popmake_dh_pop —————- Creates a Pop object of doubled...
make_f1Create an F1 from two parents
make_indv_breaktablemake_indv_breaktable ————- Create dataframe of...
make_magicmake_magic —————- Creates a MAGIC line in funnel...
make_magic_popmake_magic_pop —————- Creates a MAGIC population in...
make_pop_breaktablemake_pop_breaktable ————- Create dataframe of...
make_subtablemake_subtable ————-
no_breaksCheck if the chromosome has any breakpoints
offspringGenerate offspring from a cross between two parents
outcrossFunction to outcross population for ngen generations
pheno_initIntialize a Phenotype object
plot_Indvplot_Indv ————– Plot all chromosomes of a single...
plot_Popplot_Pop ————–
pop_initIntialize a Pop object
remove_unseenremove_unseen ————- remove invisible crossovers from...
selfself ————- Self an Indv object
self_popself_pop ————- Self a Pop object
sarahodell/magicsim documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 8:12 a.m.