sashahafner/biogas: Process Biogas Data and Predict Biogas Production

High- and low-level functions for processing biogas data and predicting biogas production. Molar mass and calculated oxygen demand (COD') can be determined from a chemical formula. Measured gas volume can be corrected for water vapor and to (possibly user-defined) standard temperature and pressure. Gas quantity can be converted between volume, mass, and moles. Gas composition, cumulative production, or other variables can be interpolated to a specified time. Cumulative biogas and methane production (and rates) can be calculated using volumetric, manometric, gravimetric, or gas density methods for any number of bottles. With cumulative methane production data and data on bottle contents, biochemical methane potential (BMP) can be calculated and summarized, including subtraction of the inoculum contribution and normalization by substrate mass. Cumulative production and production rates can be summarized in several different ways (e.g., omitting normalization) using the same function. Biogas quantity and composition can be predicted from substrate composition and additional, optional data. Lastly, inoculum and substrate mass can be determined for planning BMP experiments.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorSasha D. Hafner [aut, cre], Charlotte Rennuit [aut], Camilla Justesen [aut], Nanna Lojborg [aut], Jacob Mortensen [aut], Jonas Ohlsson [aut], Sergi Astals [ctb], Konrad Koch [ctb], Soeren Weinrich [ctb], Jin Mi Triolo [ctb], Ali Heidarzadeh Vazifehkhoran [ctb]
MaintainerSasha D. Hafner <>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
sashahafner/biogas documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 2:38 p.m.