
  titlePanel("Cartograms with d3 & TopoJSON"),

  HTML('<a href=""><img style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; border: 0;" src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub" data-canonical-src=""></a>'),

    selectInput("scaleBy", "Scale by", columnChoices),
    selectInput("colorBy", "Color by", columnChoices),
    selectInput("year", "in", 2010:2013),
    numericInput("frac", "Sample Fraction", 1, 0.1, 1, 0.1)


  HTML('<div id="about">
       <p><a href="">cartogram.js</a> is a JavaScript implementation of
       <a href="">an algoritm to construct continuous area cartograms</a>,
       by James A. Dougenik, Nicholas R. Chrisman and Duane R. Niemeyer,
       &copy;1985 by the Association of American Geographers. This example combines
       <a href="">TopoJSON</a>-encoded
       boundaries of the United States from
       <a href="">Natural Earth</a>
       <a href="">2011 US Census population estimates</a>
       to size each state proportionally.</p>

       <p>Built by
       <a href="">Forest Fang</a>
       according to the wonderful d3-cartogram by
       <a href="">Shawn Allen</a>
       at <a href="">Stamen</a>. But
       <a href="">d3.js</a> does most of the heavy lifting;
       colors by <a href="">colorbrewer</a>.
       This replicates the work at <a href="">d3-cartogram</a>
       using Shiny.
saurfang/shinyCartogram documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:20 p.m.