Man pages for sbfnk/
Code accompanying the manuscript "Assessing the performance of real-time epidemic forecasts: A case study of Ebola in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, 2014-15" (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006785).

ae_sampleDetermines the mean absolute error of an incidence forecast...
apply_forecast_metricDetermines calibration of an incidence forecast with an...
assess_all_forecastsApplies forecast assessments and scores to the forecasts and...
assess_incidence_forecastAssesses incidence forecasts for the 2014-15 Ebola epidemic...
bias_sampleDetermines bias of an incidence forecast from predictive...
calculate_quantilesCalculate quantiles for a data frame
calibration_sampleDetermines sharpness of an incidence forecast with an...
ebola_waEbola case data set for Western Area, Sierra Leone
figure1Plots figure 1
figure2Plots figure 2
figure3Plots figure 3
figure4Plots figure 4
null_model_bstsCreates Bayesian time-series regression null model forecasts...
null_model_deterministicCreates deterministic null model forecasts for "Assessing the...
null_model_unfocusedCreates unfocused null model forecasts for "Assessing the...
pit_test_samplePerforms an Anderson-Darling test for uniformity for a...
samples_bstsMonte Carlo samples from bsts forecasts
samples_deterministicMonte Carlo samples from deterministic forecasts
samples_semi_mechanisticMonte Carlo samples from semi-mechanistic forecasts
samples_unfocusedMonte Carlo samples from unfocused forecasts
sharpness_sampleDetermines sharpness of an incidence forecast as the width of...
table1Prints table 1
table2Prints table 2
sbfnk/ documentation built on Feb. 18, 2020, 6:19 p.m.