Man pages for sboehringer/gwasWeighted
Weighted Bonferroni Correction in GWASs

count2blocksProduce index pairs for vector of counts
DeparseDeparsing of expression
DfUniqueByColsReduce data frame to be unique on subset of columns
file.locateReturn absolute path for name searched in search-pathes
inverseOrder_fromOrderCalculates inverseOrder, assuming that the argument is...
iterateModels_rawIterate combinations of parameters
LogLog a message to stderr.
Orderwrapper for order to allow multivariate ordering
order_alignReturn vector that reorders v to equal reference. Assuming...
order_align_fromOrderCalculates 'order_align', assuming that the both arguments...
RankComputes order so that inverseOrder after order is the...
readFileRead content of file and return as character object.
reshape.longConvert data in wide format to long format
SeqProduce constrained sequences
SprintflProduce string by substituting placeholders
subListFromRaggedIdcsExtract parts of a nested structure based on the range...
subListFromRaggedListsExtract parts of nested lists based on the range
SubstrReturn sub-strings indicated by positions or produce a string...
valueCombinationsReturn all value combinations appearing in a data frame
sboehringer/gwasWeighted documentation built on Dec. 22, 2021, 10:19 p.m.