
#' A package for egocentric measures in Social Network Analysis
#' \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab egonet\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version:
#' \tab 1.2\cr Date: \tab 2018-10-18\cr License: GPL (>= 2) }
#' @name egonet-package
#' @aliases egonet-package egonet
#' @docType package
#' @author Andrea Sciandra, Livio Finos
#' Maintainer: livio finos <livio@stat.unipd.it>
#' @keywords package
#' @examples
#' ##This is a list of file' names containing the ego-network
#' ff <- c("q1.csv","q2.csv","q3.csv")
#' files  <- sapply(ff, function(fl)system.file("extdata", fl, package="egonet"))
#' names(files) <- ff
#' ##if all your data are in a directory (eg. egonets, containing all files with the same extension), 
#' ##you can easily get this list with the following commands
#' # ff <- dir("yourpath",pattern=".csv")
#' # files  <- dir("yourpath",pattern=".csv",full.names = TRUE)
#' # names(files) <- ff
#' #Here is a dataset with demographic informations and the names of files containing the ego-network
#' #we now want to add network indeces to this data.frame
#' data <- data.frame( gender=c("F","F","M"), age =(2:4)*10, filename=ff)
#' data
#' #import all the egonets
#' mats <- lapply(files,read.egonet)
#' #compute (default) indices on the first subject
#' index.egonet(mats[[1]])
#' #compute indices on all adjacency matrices
#' idx <- sapply(mats,index.egonet)
#' #reshape idx in a data.frame and add the file names
#' idx <- as.data.frame(t(idx))
#' idx <- cbind(idx,filename=rownames(idx))
#' #now merge demographic informations with the indices
#' data <- merge(data,idx,by="filename")
#' data
#' #Compute the \code{effsize} and \code{constraint} to the restricted network with "EGO" and nodes with "P" in the name (i.e. the relatives social circle)
#' idx <- sapply(mats,index.egonet, subset = "P",index = c("effsize","constraint"))
#' rownames(idx) <- paste(rownames(idx),"P",sep=".")
#' idx <- as.data.frame(t(idx))
#' idx <- cbind(idx,filename=rownames(idx))
#' #and merge them to the dataset
#' data <- merge(data,idx,by="filename")
#' data
#' @export 
#' @import sna
scan2001/egonet documentation built on Jan. 19, 2020, 3:22 p.m.