Man pages for scarpino/binequality
Methods for Analyzing Binned Income Data

binequality-packageMethods for Analyzing Binned Income Data
county_binsA data set containing binned income for US counties
fitFuncA function to fit a parametric distribution to binned data.
getMidsA function to calculate the bin midpoints.
getQuantilesParamsA function to extract the quantiles and parameters
giniCoefCalculates the Gini coefficient from quantiles
LRTA function to perform likelihood ratio tests
makeFitCombA function to transform a list into a dataframe
makeIntA function to create a survival object from bin counts.
makeIntWeightA function to create a survival object from bin counts and...
makeWeightsAICA function to calculate AIC weights
mAvgA simple function to perfom model averaging using...
midStatsA function to calculate statistics using bin midpoints
MLDA function to calculate the MLD
modelAvgA function to calculate model averages
paramFiltA function to filter models based on estimated parameters
run_GB_familyA function to fit a parametric distributions to binned data.
school_district_binsA data set containing the school district data.
SDLA function to calculate the SDL
state_binsA data set containing the binned state data.
theilIndA function to calculate the Theil
scarpino/binequality documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:25 p.m.