treatcon2cmatratio: Check or construct a matrices defining multuiple ratios of...

Description Usage Arguments Value


Helper function to check a given object defining (between-treatment) comparisons as ratios or contruct a suitable list of two matrices of linear combinations for numerator and denominator given one of a character string available in contrMatRatio in package mratios. For internal use.


treatcon2cmatratio(treatcon, base, ntab)



either a list of 2 matrices with numeric entries, or a single character string; if a list of 2 matrices: number of columns must be = number of treatment levels in the factor variable rows specifies contrasts between treatments; if a character string: character string will be passed to the type-argument in contrMatRatio (package mratios) see ?contrMatRatio for details


a single integer, indicating which treatment level shoudl serve as a control, when passed to contrMat (package multcomp) used if treatcon is a characted string, ignored, if treatcon is a matrix


a (named) vector with sample sizes in the treatment groups, to be passed to argument n in contrMat; ignored if treatcon is character (makes a difference for pooling contrasts only, i.e. "GrandMean", "AVE", "Williams" etc.)


a list containing two matrices to be used in gsci.ratio (package mratios)

schaarschmidt/statintcov documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:26 p.m.