
#' delete all records in an existing table
#' The default `dbDeleteAllRecords()` method performs checks that
#' the targeted table exists
#' The sql generation uses the function `sqlDeleteAllRecords()` another S4 generic defined in this package.
#' Default sql generation is appropriate for MariaDB and MySQL.
#' @param con a DBConnection oject
#' @param name a character string specifying the name of an existing DBMS table
#' @param key.df NULL | a dataframe of key value pairs designating records to delete
#' @family DBIConnection generics
#' @export
           def = function(con, name, key.df = NULL, ...) standardGeneric("dbDeleteAllRecords")

#' @rdname hidden_aliases
#' @export
setMethod("dbDeleteAllRecords", signature("DBIConnection"),
          function(con, name, key.df = NULL, ...) {
            stopifnot(dbExistsTable(con, name));
            query <- sqlDeleteAllRecords(con, name , ...);
schardtbc/DBIExt documentation built on June 7, 2019, 2:39 p.m.