Man pages for schardtbc/iexcloudR
Wrapper for iexcloud Market Data Api

accountMetaDataRetrieve account details such as current tier, payment...
accountUsageRetrieve current month usage for your account.
advancedStatsRetrieve advancedStats detail for a symbol as dataframe
balanceSheetPulls balance sheet data. Available quarterly (4 quarters)...
batch_requestbatch calls to market
cashflowStatementPulls cash flow data. Available quarterly (4 quarters) and...
coalescereturn first argument that is not null
companyretrieve company detail for a symbol as dataframe
constructURLconstruct the url for the api get request
dailyTimeSeriesAdapterRetrieve previous day adjusted price data for one or more...
data_pointdata-point for symbol key
data_point_keysget all data-point keys for a symbol
deepIEX Depth of Book
deepAuctionIEX Depth of Book
deepOfficialPriceThe Official Price message is used to disseminate the IEX...
deepTradesTrade report messages are sent when an order on the IEX Order...
delayedQuoteRetrieve delayed quote for a symbol as dataframe
disablePayAsYouGoUsed to disable Pay-as-you-go on your account.
dividendsRetrieve dividends detail for a symbol as dataframe
earningsRetrieve Earnings data for a given company including the...
earningsTodayRetrieve Earnings data for a given company including the...
effectiveSpreadretrieve effective spread for a symbol as dataframe
enablePayAsYouGoUsed to enable Pay-as-you-go on your account.
estimatesProvides the latest consensus estimate for the next fiscal...
financialsPulls income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow data...
fundOwnershipReturns the top 10 fund holders, meaning any firm not defined...
getConfigreturns package configuration
getMessageCountget the message count for the last api request
getTokenretrieve the IEX API token
historyForRetrieve history for a stock over chosen time-period as...
iex_apiPerform a get request to an endpoint on the iexcloud server
iexcloudRiexcloudR: Wrapper for iexcloud Market Data Api
iexRawPerform a get request to an endpoint on the iexcloud server
iexSymbolsdataframe of all symbols IEx supports for trading
incomeStatementRetrieve income statement data. Available quarterly (4...
insiderRosterReturns Insider Roster
insiderSummaryReturns Insider Summary
insiderTransactionsReturns Insider Transactions
keyStatsRetrieve keyStats detail for a symbol as dataframe
largestTradesRetrieve 15 minute delayed, last sale eligible trades.
list_all_times_seriesreturn a data.frame with all the time series id and schema...
listOfRetrieve quotes for symbols on defined lists as dataframe
listSymbolsThis call returns an array of symbols that IEX Cloud supports...
logoForRetrieve logo url for symbols on defined lists as string
marketOpenCloseretrieve the official open and close for all IEX symbols in...
marketVolumeRetrieve real time traded volume on U.S. markets.
newsForRetrieve real time traded volume on U.S. markets.
ohlcretrieve the official open and close for a given symbol.
peersOfretrieves an array of peer symbols.
pipePipe operator Like dplyr, iexcloudR also uses the pipe...
previousDayRetrieve previous day adjusted price data for one or more...
priceOfRetrieve A single number, being the IEX real time price, the...
priceTargetRetrieve the latest avg, high, and low analyst price target...
print.iex_apiprint S3 function for iex_api class
quoteForretrieve quote detail for a symbol as dataframe
recommendationTrendAnalyst Recommendation Summary
setMessageCountlog the last messageCount
setSecretKeyset the IEX API Key
setTokenset the IEX API token
socialSentimentRetrieve Social Sentiment Data from StockTwits. Data can be...
splitsRetrieve splits for a symbol
time_seriesreturn data for specified time series id
topsIEX TOP of Book Quote Feed,
topsLastIEX last sale price
upcomingEarningsreturns upcoming earnings reportDates for market
volumeByVenueReturns 15 minute delayed and 30 day average consolidated...
schardtbc/iexcloudR documentation built on Aug. 23, 2020, 3:58 a.m.