
# # install.packages("rdwd")
# # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rdwd/vignettes/rdwd.html
# library(rdwd)
# # select a dataset (e.g. last year's daily climate data from Potsdam City):
# link <- selectDWD("Potsdam", res="daily", var="kl", per="recent")
# # Actually download that dataset, returning the local storage file name:
# file <- dataDWD(link, read=FALSE)
# # Read the file from the zip folder:
# clim <- readDWD(file)
# # Inspect the data.frame:
# str(clim)
# # Get close stations
# x <- 
#   nearbyStations(lat = 47.65, 
#                lon = 9.47, 
#                radius = 20, 
#                res = NA, 
#                var = NA, 
#                per = NA,
#                mindate = NA, 
#                hasfileonly = TRUE,
#                statname = "nearbyStations target location", 
#                quiet = FALSE)
# names(x)
# y = x %>% 
#   arrange(dist,desc(bis_datum)) %>% 
#   filter(per == "recent",
#          var == "air_temperature") %>% 
#   head(1)
# findID("Potsdam")
# findID("Friedrichshafen")
# file <- dataDWD(y$url,read=FALSE, dir=tempdir(), quiet=TRUE)
# clim <- readDWD(file)
# # Inspect the data.frame:
# str(clim)
schliebs/runR documentation built on May 26, 2019, 3:35 a.m.