Man pages for schliebs/voteR
Variety of Open Tools for Electoral Research

btw_districtlevelGerman "Bundestagswahlen" election results for the...
btw_wkebeneGerman "Bundestagswahlen" election results for the...
distance_functionCalculate Distances
intrakoadistanzCalculate Intra-Coalition Heterogeneity
koa_membersGet coalition members
koa_positionsGet coalition members
koasGet coalitions
laenderbipGerman regional GDP data
landesregierungenGerman regional government cabinets for the whole post-war...
landtagswahlenGerman "Landtagswahlen" election results for the regional...
partiesGet parties
plot_pollPlot a multiparty poll
sample_dirichletDirichlet-sample of a multinomial election poll
sample_dirichlet_quantilesEmpirical Dirichlet Quantiles from Multinomial Election Poll
scrape_wahlrecht_bundScrape German Federal Level Polls from
structural_modeldataInput Data for structural model
wahlrecht_urlsPrices of 50,000 round cut diamonds.
schliebs/voteR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:33 p.m.