
Defines functions is_interactive is_bool server

Documented in server

# Original server implemented using jug
# http://bart6114.github.io/jug/articles/jug.html

# http://localhost:8000
# http://localhost:8000/graphql?query={hero{name,friends{name,id}}}&pretty=TRUE

#' Run basic GraphQL server with GraphiQL support
#' Run a basic GraphQL server using plumber.  This server is provided to show basic interaction with GraphQL.  The server will run until the function execution is canceled.
#' To view the GraphiQL user interface, navigate to the URL provided when the server is started.  The default location is \code{http://localhost:8000/graphiql/}. By default, this route is only available when running the server interactively (\code{graphiql = rlang::is_interactive()}).
#' \code{server()} implements the basic necessities described in \url{http://graphql.org/learn/serving-over-http/}.  There are four routes implemented:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{'/'}}{GET. If run interactively, forwards to \code{/graphiql} for user interaction with the GraphQL server. This route is diabled if \code{graphiql = rlang::is_interactive()} is not \code{TRUE}.}
#'   \item{\code{'/graphiql/'}}{GET. Returns a \href{https://github.com/graphql/graphiql/blob/graphiql\%402.2.0/packages/graphiql/README.md}{GraphiQL formatted schema definition} interface to manually interact with the GraphQL server. By default this route is disabled if \code{graphiql = rlang::is_interactive()} is not \code{TRUE}.}
#'   \item{\code{'/graphql'}}{GET. Executes a query.  The parameter \code{'query'} (which contains a GraphQL formatted query string) must be included.  Optional parameters include: \code{'variables'} a JSON string containing a dictionary of variables (defaults to an empty named list), \code{'operationName'} name of the particular query operation to execute (defaults to NULL), and \code{'pretty'} boolean to determine if the response should be compact (FALSE, default) or expanded (TRUE)}
#'   \item{\code{'/graphql'}}{POST. Executes a query.  Must provide Content-Type of either 'application/json' or 'application/graphql'.
#' If 'application/json' is provided, a named JSON list containing 'query', 'operationName' (optional, default = \code{NULL}), 'variables' (optional, default = list()) and 'pretty' (optional, default = \code{TRUE}).  The information will used just the same as the GET-'/graphql' route.
#' If 'application/graphql' is provided, the POST body will be interpreted as the query string.  All other possible parameters will take on their default value.
#' }
#' }
#' Using bash's curl, we can ask the server questions:
#' \preformatted{ #R
#'   # load Star Wars schema from 'execute_request' example
#'   example(gqlr_schema)
#'   # run server
#'   server(star_wars_schema, port = 8000)
#' }
#' \preformatted{ #bash
#'   # GET Schema definition
#'   curl ''
#'   ## POST for R2-D2 and his friends' names
#'   # defaults to parse as JSON
#'   curl --data '{"query":"{hero{name, friends { name }}}", "pretty": true}' ''
#'   # send json header
#'   curl --data '{"query":"{hero{name, friends { name }}}"}' '' --header "Content-Type:application/json"
#'   # send graphql header
#'   curl --data '{hero{name, friends { name }}}' '' --header "Content-Type:application/graphql"
#'   # use variables
#'   curl --data '{"query":"query Droid($someId: String!) {droid(id: $someId) {name, friends { name }}}", "variables": {"someId": "2001"}}' ''
#'   # GET R2-D2 and his friends' names
#'   curl ''
#'   # ... using a variable
#'   curl '!)%20%7Bdroid(id%3A%20%24someId)%7Bname%2C%20friends%20%7B%20name%20%7D%7D%7D&variables=%7B%22someId%22%3A%222001%22%7D'
#' }
#' @param schema Schema object to use execute requests
#' @param port web port to serve the server from.  Set port to \code{NULL} to not run the plumber server and return it.
#' @param ... ignored for paramter expansion
#' @param graphiql logical to determine if the GraphiQL interface should be enabled.  By default, this route is only available when running the server interactively.
#' @param log boolean that determines if server logging is done.  Defaults to TRUE
# nocov start
#' @param initial_value default value to use in \code{\link{execute_request}()}
#' @export
server <- function(schema, port = 8000L, ..., graphiql = interactive(), log = TRUE, initial_value = NULL) {

  if (!requireNamespace("plumber")) {
    stop("plumber must be installed.  `install.packages('plumber')`")
  if (utils::packageVersion("plumber") < "1.2.0") {
    stop("plumber must be version 1.2.0 or greater.  `install.packages('plumber')`")

  env <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
  env$log <- log
  env$schema <- schema
  env$initial_value <- initial_value
  env$is_interactive <- graphiql

  query_string_filter_only <- getFromNamespace("defaultPlumberFilters", "plumber")["queryString"]

  pr <- plumber::pr(
    file = system.file("server/plumber.R", package = "gqlr"),
    envir = env,
    filters = query_string_filter_only

  if (!is.null(port)) {
    pr$run(port = port)


# nocov end

# rlang::is_bool
is_bool <- function(x) {
  is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1 && !is.na(x)
# rlang::is_interactive
is_interactive <- function() {
    opt <- getOption("rlang_interactive", NULL)
    if (!is.null(opt)) {
        if (!is_bool(opt)) {
            options(rlang_interactive = NULL)
            # check_bool(opt, arg = "rlang_interactive")
            stop("`options(rlang_interactive=)` must be a logical value or `NULL`")
    if (isTRUE(getOption("knitr.in.progress", NULL))) {
    if (identical(Sys.getenv("TESTTHAT"), "true")) {
schloerke/graphqlr documentation built on Dec. 7, 2022, 10:57 a.m.