
Deploy your package to a github drat repo from Travis-CI.

This R package is heavily inspired by Colin Gillespie and Dirk Eddelbuettel's blog post


Step 0

0.1 - Generate a Personal Access Token

From Dirk's blog:

To allow Travis CI to push to your GitHub repository, we need to generate a GitHub API token. After re-entering your password, just select repo, or if your repository is public, select public_repo. GitHub will create the token and give you a chance to copy it down.

I recommend making a public_repo token only as the drat repo will be publicly available on the gh-pages branch.

0.2 - Setup a Personal drat Repo

Create a new github repository called drat with a gh-pages branch. drat will take care of the rest.

Once your Github drat repo is available, create and init the gh-pages branch programatically with...

# Create local github drat repo
drat::initRepo("drat", ".")
# Init drat repo
repo <- git2r::repository("drat")
# Add github remote to the global defined github user
git2r::remote_add(repo, "origin", paste0("", git2r::config()$global$github.user, "/drat.git"))
# Push the init'ed repo
git2r::push(repo, "origin", "refs/heads/gh-pages", credentials = git2r::cred_token())
# Delete local repo (not needed anymore)
unlink("drat", recursive = TRUE)

To verify that it was successful, visit your newly created github webpage. Mine is

0.3 - Activate Repository on Travis

Visit your profile on Travis. Make sure your R package repository is active and ready to be checked on Travis.

Step 1 - Encrypt Personal Access Token

Create a secure personal access token (PAT) that can be used in Travis safely.

# Add the token to automatically

# Display only
travisDrat::secure_token(add = FALSE)

The .travis.yml file should contain the fields:


Step 2 - Update .travis.yml

Add the following lines to your travis file:

  - schloerke/travisDrat

  - Rscript -e "travisDrat::deploy_drat()"

Step 3 - Deploy

Push commits to Github. Travis will activate on the package web hook. After a successful check of your R package, travisDrat will deploy to the drat repo provided.

Step 4 - Use Deployed Repo

# Add personal drat repo

# Add any github user drat repo

schloerke/travisDrat documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:41 p.m.