Man pages for schmettow/LNB
(zero- truncated) logit-normal binomial distribution functions

dlnbinomlogit-normal binomial distribution
dlnbinom.ztzero-truncated logit-normal binomial distribution
dlngeomlogit-normal geometric distribution
fitLNBztML estimation of (zero-truncated) LNB
LNB-packageLogit-normal binomial distribution
lnbzt_posteriorposterior distribution function for the zero-truncated...
mean.lnbinomcomputing the mean of the LNB
nloglik.lnbinom.ztnegative log-likelihood function of the zero-truncated LNB
var.lnbinomvariance of the zero-truncated LNB
schmettow/LNB documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:41 p.m.