Man pages for schmettow/bayr
tidy and unified reporting of Bayesian regression models

as_tbl_obstibble class for observations
clucenter-lower-upper table
coef.tbl_postCoefficient extraction
compare_ICInformation Criteria comparison
discard_all_naRemoving completely unmeasured variables
discard_redundantRemoves variables that do not vary in value
expand_griddplyrified expand.grid
fixef_mlMulti-level coefficient table
go_firstMoving column to first position
ICInformation Criteria extraction
join.tbl_coefJoining two coefficent tables (NI)
left_unionadding columns that don't exist yet
md_coefcoefficient formula
posteriorposterior extraction
post_predposterior predictive extraction
predict.tbl_post_predPosterior predictions
reorder_levelsRe-order levels of a factor
rescale_centeredcentered rescaling
rescale_unitrescaling to unit interval
re_scoresabsolute random effects scores
seperate.tbl_coefseparating factors an group means model
update_byupdate columns conditionally
z_transAdding z-transformed scores
schmettow/bayr documentation built on March 23, 2024, 7:49 p.m.