Man pages for schoulten/ipca
Brazilian Inflation Forecasting Model

build_dashboardCreate IPCA forecast model dashboard
forecast_ensembleGenerate an out-of-sample Ensemble forecast from the CSR and...
get_cv_rmse_hdeconCSR and Bagging: estimates model with cross-validation and...
get_dataCollect and pre-process macroeconomic data
pipePipe operator
report_ndiffsReport number of differences to make time series stationary...
train_modelsTrain models: CSR, LASSO, Bagging, Ensemble, RW and Benchmark
ts_transformBlack box function to prepare time series
ym_labelFormat x-axislabels (dates) as year/month in two lines
schoulten/ipca documentation built on May 27, 2022, 10:05 p.m.