Tutorial 1 -- General Overview

In this vignette we introduce the basic commands which allow a simple disease progression to be simulated and the output processed.

Study Specification

In this study, subjects start in the state control.progressing and then transition into the state control.progressed before entering the state death. It is also possible for subjects to skip the progressed step and transition control.progressing -> death.

Constant hazard functions are used throughout, with control.os=0.02 for transitioning to death and control.pfs=0.06 for transitioning to control.progressing

The 100 subjects are recruited at different times using the following formula: duration * exp(-X / weight) with duration=4, weight=1 and X an exponential random variable with rate=1

Specifying the progression graph

The following command sets up the transition graph:

library("badminton") #Load the badminton package
progressionGraph <- SimpleStudyProgressionGraph(arms=c("control"),armProgression=c("progressing","progressed"),edges="death")

The edges="death" option enables subjects to transition to death from any state in the graph. Using the option edges="immediate" will ensure subjects transition through each progression state before death.

It is possible to plot the transition graph:

graph.par(list(nodes=list(fontsize=30))) #Set label font size

See 'Tutorial 2 -- Specifying the transition DAG' for specifying more complicated disease progression graphs.

Setting up the recruitment model

The recruitment model described above can be defined using the simpleAccrual function

recModel <- simpleAccrual(duration=4, weight=1)

Setting up the simulator

As the hazard function does not change over time (i.e. there is no switch point at which the hazard function changes due to treatment effect) a simple Switches object is created.

noSwitches <-  InitializeStudySwitches()

See 'Tutorial 3 -- Specifying the times at which hazard functions change' for further details

An event simulator object can then be created:

simulator <- InitializeEventSim(progressionGraph=progressionGraph,switches=noSwitches,recruitmentModel=recModel)

Specifying the hazard functions

In this case it is straightforward to set the hazard functions for the edges of the progression graph:

control.os <- 0.02
control.pfs <- 0.06
simulator <- InsertRate.EventSim(simulator,fromNode="control.progressing",toNode="control.progressed",rate=control.pfs)
simulator <- InsertRate.EventSim(simulator,fromNode="control.progressing",toNode="death",rate=control.os)
simulator <- InsertRate.EventSim(simulator,fromNode="control.progressed",toNode="death",rate=control.os)

See 'Tutorial 4 -- Specifying the hazard functions' for a guide to specifying the hazard functions when hazard functions change at switch points and using functionals to parameterize the hazard functions. Also see 'Tutorial 6 -- Piecewise Weibull survival functions' for specifying the shape and rates of hazard functions for the piecewise Weibull case

Running the simulator

The following code runs the simulator, with 100 subjects starting in the state control.progressing. Each subject is simulated until they hit an absorbing state (i.e. ```death''').

rawOutput <- Simulate.EventSim(simulator,startCounts=c("control.progressing",100))

Setting startCounts=c("control.progressing",100,"control.progressed",50) would simulate 150 subjects, 100 starting from the state control.progressing and 50 from the state control.progressed

The output produced is a list with two elements; a vector of the times at which the subjects were recruited onto the trial:


and a data frame consisting of the transition times into each state for each subject. The times are given relative to the time at which the subject was recruited onto the trial:


Processing the output

The raw output can be transformed into a data frame, with each row representing a subject and each column representing an event of interest (e.g. what was the starting state of the subject? at what time did the subject transition into state X? Did the transition occur before time T? etc.).

An EventSet object is set up to contain the events of interest and the name option of an event will be used as the column name of the output data frame:

myEvents <- InitializeEventSet()

#Specify the starting state of the subject
myEvents <- InsertEvent.EventSet(myEvents,NewEvent(name="initial",type="startState"))

#Specify the recruitment time of the subject
myEvents <- InsertEvent.EventSet(myEvents,NewEvent(name="rec_time",type="recruitTime"))

#Specify the time of death of the subject
myEvents <- InsertEvent.EventSet(myEvents,NewEvent(name="death_time",type="timeToHit",nodeNames="death"))

#Specify whether the subject progressed before 15 units of time have passed since they were recruited on the trial
myEvents <- InsertEvent.EventSet(myEvents,NewEvent(name="prog_15",type="hitsBefore",

#Specify whether the subject died before 25 units of time have passed since the trial started
myEvents <- InsertEvent.EventSet(myEvents,NewEvent(name="die_25_calendar",type="hitsBefore", 

See 'Tutorial 5 -- Specifying Events' for specifying other types of events

In order to generate the final output the following command is used:

finalOutput <- ProcessEventSimOutput(eventSimOutput=rawOutput,eventSet=myEvents)

finalOutput is a data frame containing the columns described by the given event set:


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