Tutorial 7 Optimizing Rate Parameters

This tutorial shows how Badminton can be used to estimate the rate parameters given patient survival data. A little more work is required than in the previous tutorials.


Suppose there is a two arm trial with the following DAG:

crossOver <- c("control.progressing","active.progressed")
g <- SimpleStudyProgressionGraph(arms=c("control","active"),

We are given the following survival data:

There is a treatment lag of 3 months and we wish to use piecewise Weibull hazard functions. The following parameters are therefore required:

Parameter | Description -------------------------|-------------------- toDeath_shape | The shape parameter for all edges transitioning into death toProgressed_shape | The shape parameter for all edges transitioning into a progressed state control.os | The rate parameter for control.progress[ing/ed] -> death control.pfs | The rate parameter for control.progressing -> control.death active.os | The rate parameter for active.progress[ing/ed] -> death after lag active.pfs | The rate parameter for active.progressing -> active.death

Note for badminton if Weibull shape = k and rate = lambda then the given hazard function is k*[(lamda)^k]*[t^(k-1)] where t is time since recruitment.

It is important to note that if control.progressing -> control.progressed and control.progressing -> death are Weibull distributed with different shape parameters then the time to leave control.progressing has a Bi-Weibull distribution not a Weibull distribution. In a future version of this package it will be possible to specify general hazard functions and in that case setting the hazard function of control.progressing -> control.progressed to be the difference of two Weibull hazard functions can ensure the time to leave control.progressing has a Weibull distribution.

control.os, toDeath_shape and active.os

The calculate.Weibull function in the nonproportionalHazards function can be used to set control.os, toDeath_shape and active.os parameters. Do not forget that the rates output should be raised to the power of (1/toDeath_shape) in order to be used with badminton.

We find:

toDeath_shape <- 1.164459
control.os <- 0.056585
active.os <- 0.04298573

#Also define treatment lag time
treatment_lag_time <- 3

control.pfs and toProgress_shape

We optimize these parameters by running simulations using just the control arm and fitting the output data to the survival data shown above. In order to do this we first define a set up progression graph function. The after-lag parameters are not used yet:

#Set up a single arm DAG, "progressing" -> "progressed" -> "death" with "progressing" -> "death" as well
#A single patient time switch at treatment_lag_time and Weibull shape parameters 
#toProgress_shape (progressing->progressed) and toDeath_Shape (progressing/ed -> death)
#The given rates before and after switch are arguments and if those after lag
#are missing/NULL, then the after switch rates = before switch rates 
SetUpSimulator <- function(toProgress_rate, toProgress_shape,  toDeath_rate, toDeath_shape,toProgress_rate_afterlag=NULL, toDeath_rate_afterlag=NULL){

      toProgress_rate_afterlag = toProgress_rate 
      toDeath_rate_afterlag = toDeath_rate 

    g <- InitializeProgressionGraph()
    g <- AddNode.ProgressionGraph(g,c("progressing","progressed","death"))
    g <- AddEdge.ProgressionGraph(g,c("progressing","progressing","progressed"),rep("death",3))
    g <- AddEdge.ProgressionGraph(g,c("progressing"),c("progressed"))

    g <- SetShape.ProgressionGraph(g,c("progressing","progressed"),c("death","death"),shape=toDeath_shape)
    g <- SetShape.ProgressionGraph(g,c("progressing"),c("progressed"),shape=toProgress_shape)

    recModel <- simpleAccrual(duration=0,weight=1)
    switches <- InitializeStudySwitches()
    switches <- SetSubjectSwitchTimes.Switches(switches,0,treatment_lag_time)

    sim <- InitializeEventSim(g,switches,recModel)
    sim <- InsertRate.EventSim(sim,"progressing","progressed",calendarStartTime=0,
    sim <- InsertRate.EventSim(sim,"progressing","death",calendarStartTime=0,
    sim <- InsertRate.EventSim(sim,"progressed","death",calendarStartTime=0,
    sim <- InsertRate.EventSim(sim,"progressing","progressed",calendarStartTime=0,
    sim <- InsertRate.EventSim(sim,"progressing","death",calendarStartTime=0,
    sim <- InsertRate.EventSim(sim,"progressed","death",calendarStartTime=0,

Next we define three more functions which will enable us to perform the optimization:


#The function used to optimize the toProgress_Shape and contol.pfs parameters, see below
ToOptimizeControl <- function(par,requiredQuantiles,expectedOutcomes,numbersamples=50000,reps=10){ 
#par[1] = log(control.pfs), par[2] = log(toProgress_shape)

  sim <- SetUpSimulator(exp(par[1]), exp(par[2]), control.os,toDeath_shape )
  print("Current parameters:")
  return (GenerateGoodNessOfFit(sim,requiredQuantiles,expectedOutcomes,numbersamples,reps))


#Calculate the L2 norm between expected quantile values and simulated ones
GenerateGoodNessOfFit <- function(sim,requiredQuantiles,expectedOutcomes,numbersamples,reps){
  empiricalQuantiles <- GenerateQuantiles(sim,requiredQuantiles,numbersamples,reps)


  retVal <- sum( (expectedOutcomes  - empiricalQuantiles)^2)
  print("Error in fit:")


#This function calculates the empirical quantiles for leaving the progressing state
#The EventSim to be used, the requiredQuantiles (e.g. c(0.5,0.87) if we want the median
#and the time at which only 13% are still in the progressing state
#The number of subjects per simulation and the number of independent replications are also arguments
GenerateQuantiles <- function(sim,requiredQuantiles,numbersamples,reps){

  x <- (replicate(reps,{

      ans <- as.data.table(Simulate.EventSim(sim,startCounts=c("progressing",numbersamples))$data)

      #Pull out the first time a transition occurs ignoring thetime = 0, enter progressing state 
      #see unique.data.table for more details
      e <- unique( subset(ans,ans$state != "progressing"),by="id")

      return(quantile(e$patient_transition_time, probs = requiredQuantiles))})


We can now run the optimization (the parameters to optimize are log(control.pfs) and log(toProgress_shape)):

optim(c(log(0.1),log(1.60)),ToOptimizeControl, requiredQuantiles=c(0.5,0.87),expectedOutcomes=c(5.8,12))

Running the command produces the desired parameters (as we are optimizing a statistical function the results you get may be different). The GenerateGoodNessOfFit function prints how well our empirical quantiles match the expected ones.

toProgress_shape <- 1.63742 
control.pfs <- 0.102368 

Setting active.pfs

A similar procedure can be used to optimize active.pfs (the same shape parameter toProgress_shape is used for both arms). Both GenerateQuantiles and GenerateGoodNessOfFit from above can be used and we require a single new function:

#This function is used to optimize the active.pfs value, see below for details
ToOptimizeActive <- function(par,requiredQuantiles,expectedOutcomes,numbersamples=50000,reps=10){
  sim <- SetUpSimulator( control.pfs, toProgress_shape, control.os , toDeath_shape, exp(par), active.os )
  print("Current parameters:")
  return (GenerateGoodNessOfFit(sim,requiredQuantiles,expectedOutcomes,numbersamples,reps))

As we are fitting a single parameter we then use the optimize function to optimize log(active.pfs). The interval has been chosen so that 0.01 < active.pfs < 0.25:


This gives (as we are optimizing a statistical function the results you get may be different -- especially if toProgress_shape is different to the value above):

active.pfs <- 0.05430

scientific-computing-solutions/badminton documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:43 p.m.