
Install redis

using brew, works on osx at least

or their site for other options.

brew install redis

if using redis options, remember to start redis



Get some dois via rplos

dois <- searchplos(terms="*:*", fields='id', toquery='doc_type:full', limit=25)
dois <-, dois[,1])

Redis is fastest

First run with cache=TRUE checks for cached data, but there shouldn't be anything there, so takes same time as with cache=FALSE. Second run with cache=TRUE is a lot faster.

system.time( foo(doi = dois, apikey="WQcDSXml2VSWx3P", cache=TRUE, backend="redis") )

   user  system elapsed 
  0.119   0.010   1.098 

system.time( foo(doi = dois, apikey="WQcDSXml2VSWx3P", cache=TRUE, backend="redis") )

   user  system elapsed 
  0.009   0.001   0.011 

Local, the default, is a little bit slower than redis

system.time( foo(doi = dois, apikey="WQcDSXml2VSWx3P", cache=TRUE) )
   user  system elapsed 
  0.067   0.007   1.051 

system.time( foo(doi = dois, apikey="WQcDSXml2VSWx3P", cache=TRUE) )
   user  system elapsed 
  0.011   0.000   0.011 

SQLite is quite a bit slower than redis and local

dbCreate("foodb", type = "SQLite") # create a database
db <- dbInit("foodb", type = "SQLite") # initialize the db

system.time( foo(doi = dois, apikey="WQcDSXml2VSWx3P", cache=TRUE, backend="sqlite") )
Loading required package: rjson
   user  system elapsed 
  0.252   0.018   1.215 

system.time( foo(doi = dois, apikey="WQcDSXml2VSWx3P", cache=TRUE, backend="sqlite") )
   user  system elapsed 
  0.253   0.001   0.254 


Here's the function inside this package that is like one we would use to make a web API call, with explanation. The two additional arguments needed beyond whatever is already in a fxn are cache and backend.

foo <- function(doi, apikey, cache=FALSE, backend='local')
  # get api query ready
  url <- ''
  args <- compact(list(api_key = apikey, ids = paste(doi, collapse=",")))

  # create a key, using build_url from httr
  cachekey <- makeKey(url, args)

  # if cache=TRUE, check for data in backend using key, if cache=FALSE, returns NULL
  out <- suppressWarnings(goCache(cache, cachekey, backend))

  # if out=NULL, proceed to make call to web
  if(!is.null(out)){ out } else
    tt <- GET(url, query=args)
    temp <- content(tt)
    # If cache=TRUE, cache key and value in chosen backend, if cache=FALSE, passes with NULL
    goSave(cache, cachekey, temp, backend)

sckott/cachecall documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:46 p.m.