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spplist = get you some species lists

here's how i'm thinking about the workflow:




Get a spp list from iDigBio

via the spocc package

geometry <- "POLYGON((8.98 48.05,15.66 48.05,15.66 45.40,8.98 45.40,8.98 48.05))"
spp_list(geometry = geometry, from = "idigbio", limit = 20)

Get a list from many sources

geometry <- "POLYGON((8.98 48.05,15.66 48.05,15.66 45.40,8.98 45.40,8.98 48.05))"
spp_list(geometry = geometry, from = c("idigbio", "inat"), limit = 20)

note how the limit parameter doesn't necessarily give you the number you request. Rather, that number is the max occurrence records pulled down, and there could be duplicate names.

Get species lists from GBIF

using rgbif

Search by geometry

geometry <- "POLYGON((8.98 48.05,15.66 48.05,15.66 45.40,8.98 45.40,8.98 48.05))"
spp_list_gbif(geometry = geometry, limit = 20)

Search by country

(res <- spp_list_gbif(country = 'US', limit = 20))


sckott/spplist documentation built on Dec. 1, 2020, 5:30 p.m.