Man pages for sdray/adespatial
Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis

aemConstruct asymmetric eigenvector maps (AEM) a site-by-edge binary matrix
aem.timeAEM for time series
aem.weight.edgesWeight edges when constructing AEM variables
bacProdxyBacterial production data set
beta.divBeta diversity computed as Var(Y)
beta.div.compDecompose D in replacement and richness difference components
chooseCNFunction to choose a connection network
constr.hclustSpace- And Time-Constrained Clustering
constr.hclust-classClass For Constrained Hiereachical Clustering
CperiodogramContingency periodogram
create.dbMEM.modelCombine dbMEM matrices corresponding to groups of sites
dbmemdbMEM spatial eigenfunctions
directional.responseDirectional indices of community change
dist.ldcDissimilarity matrices for community composition data
envspace.testPerform a test of the shared space-environment fraction of a...
forward.selForward selection with multivariate Y using permutation under...
forward.sel.parParametric forward selection of explanatory variables in...
give.threshCompute the maximum distance of the minimum spanning tree...
global.rtestGlobal and local tests
LCBD.compCompute LCBD from any D matrix
listw.candidatesFunction to create a list of spatial weighting matrices
listw.exploreInteractive tool to generate R code that creates a spatial...
listw.selectFunction to optimize the selection of a spatial weighting...
mastigoucheMastigouche Lake network data set
memFunction to compute and manage Moran's Eigenvector Maps (MEM)...
mem.selectSelection of the best subset of spatial eigenvectors (MEM,...
mfpaMulti-frequential periodogram analysis
moran.boundsFunction to compute extreme values of Moran's I
moranNP.randtestFunction to compute positive and negative parts of Moran's...
moran.randtestFunction to compute Moran's index of spatial autocorrelation
mspaMulti-Scale Pattern Analysis
msrMoran spectral randomization
msr.4thcornerMoran spectral randomization for fourth-corner analysis
msr.mantelrtestMoran spectral randomization for Mantel test
msr.varipartMoran spectral randomization for variation partitioning
mst.nbFunction to compute neighborhood based on the minimum...
multispatiMultivariate spatial analysis
ortho.AICCompute AIC for models with orthonormal explanatory variables
orthobasis.polyFunction to compute polynomial of geographical coordinates
plot.constr.hclustPlotting Method For Space- And Time-Constrained Clustering
plot.orthobasisSpFunction to display Moran's Eigenvector Maps (MEM) and other...
plot.TBIPlots of the outputs of a temporal beta diversity analysis
rotationRotate a set of point by a certain angle
scalogramFunction to compute a scalogram
ScotchWhiskeyScotch Whiskey Data Set
stimodelsSpace-time interaction in ANOVA without replication
TBITBI: Difference between multivariate observations at T1 and...
test.WFunction to compute and test eigenvectors of spatial...
TiahuraTiahura Transect Fish Data Set
tpaired.krandtestPaired t-tests of differences between T1 and T2 for each...
tpaired.randtestPermutational paired t-test
trichopteraTrichoptera data set
variogmultivFunction to compute multivariate empirical variogram
WRperiodogramWhittaker-Robinson periodogram
sdray/adespatial documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 4:36 p.m.