Man pages for seabbs/prettypublisher
Formatting Functions for Publishable R Markdown Documents

pipePipe operator
pretty_captionerA wrapper for the captioner function
pretty_ciFormat an estimate, lower and upper confidence intervals into...
pretty_figrefA wrapper for pretty_captioner with sensible defaults for...
pretty_inline_ciReformat an estimate, with lower/upper confidence/credible...
pretty_percentageCalculate a percentage, and then format for publication
pretty_per_effectA Function to Convert Effect Estimates into Percentage...
prettypublisher-packageprettypublisher: Formatting Functions for Publishable R...
pretty_roundRound and format numeric vectors; standardising trailing...
pretty_supfigrefA wrapper for pretty_captioner with sensible defaults for...
pretty_suptabrefA wrapper for pretty_captioner with sensible defaults for...
pretty_tableWrapper function for pretty tables
pretty_tabrefA wrapper for pretty_captioner with sensible defaults for...
seabbs/prettypublisher documentation built on May 30, 2019, 10:36 p.m.