
date: '2018-04-27' title: 'Synopsis report and management-procedure framework technical working group meeting' output: pdf_document

Meeting objectives

Ensure everyone has an up-to-date understanding of the current status of the project.

Agree to project goals and objectives as defined in the Project Charter.

Review and confirm the project boundaries as defined in the scoping table in the Project Charter.

Agree to reasonable project timeline as defined in the Project Charter.

Review draft data synopsis report content and structure.

Become familiar with the elements of a management procedure approach in the context of BC groundfish through an example case study --- an introduction to the kinds of decisions we are going to have to make and the types of output we will have to work with.

Discuss timing for the next meeting and establish work plan until the next meeting.

Meeting agenda

09:30 Welcome and opening remarks (Greg Workman)

09:45 Introduction and overview of the project (Sean Anderson)

10:00 Coffee

10:15 Review, discussion and adoption of the Project Charter (All)

11:00 Introduction to the Data Synopsis Report (Sean Anderson)

12:00 Lunch Break

1:00 Introduction to DLMTool and review of an example case study (Tom Carruthers)

2:30 Coffee

2:45 Discussion, concerns, next steps, expectations (All)

4:00 Adjourn

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