  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Import the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database into R

Travis-CI Build Status

Please use Carl Boettiger and Gupta Kshitiz's ramlegacy package instead.

This package does one thing: it downloads a Microsoft Access copy of the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database and converts it to a local sqlite3 database. This makes it easy to work with dplyr/dbplyr, for example. The make_ramlegacy() function also leaves a copy of .csv files for each table in the database in the R working directory if you'd prefer to work with those.

Note that you must have the utility mdb-tables installed and in your path from mdbtools. This utility provides tools for extracting Access databases. You can find installation instructions at If you're on OS X and using homebrew, you can install it with brew install mdbtools.

Example use


Install the package:

# install.packages("devtools")

Cache and convert the database:


Work with the data:

ram <- src_sqlite("ramlegacy.sqlite3")
ram # see the available tables

Access the area table:

tbl(ram, "area")

Join the time series ts and stock tables on the stockid column:

ts <- tbl(ram, "timeseries")
stock <- tbl(ram, "stock")
select(stock, stockid, scientificname, commonname, region) %>%

Note that because you are working with dplyr and a database, you will need to use dplyr::collect() once you want to load the data into a local data frame. For example:

tbl(ram, "area") %>% 

For safety, you may want to use dplyr::collect(n = Inf) to return all rows of data, not just the minimum default number. In this case it won't make a difference.

tbl(ram, "area") %>% 
  collect(n = Inf)

seananderson/ramlegacy documentation built on May 12, 2020, 11:41 a.m.