
The r CRANpkg("bookdown") package can be used to build gitbook books from multiple R markdown documents. The process for doing so is well-documented for a single user with a directory of R markdown documents.

A more complicated use case includes some additional requirements.

Implementation assumptions

Additional needs not yet discussed or implemented



Testing contributed packages

The first concern when building a collaborative bookdown book based on workshop packages is to test which of the packages actually installs. The testPackageInstalls() function takes a character vector of [repository strings] PUT IN REMOTES HERE. The convenience function repoFromURLs() can convert from plain URLs to the format needed for installation.

z1 = testPackageInstalls(repos)

Once testing for individual package installations has completed, a second step is to test and install the package including vignette build and installation. The output will again be a three-column data.frame with details of the install process.

Calling the testPackageInstalls() function again, but with additional parameters will install each package, build vignettes, and install those as well.

z2 = testPackageInstalls(repos, build=TRUE, build_opts="", force=TRUE)

Package vignettes to bookdown

Finding installed package vignettes

Since the r Githubpkg('seandavi/CollaborativeBookdown') package needs to have access to the R markdown source which should have been installed with the package, a convenience function returns a data frame of packages, absolute paths to each vignette, and the vignette filename (for easy linking if that is desirable).

ivignettes = installedVignettes(c('BiocManager','GEOquery', 'dplyr', 'abc'))

Checking package vignettes

Create a fake vignette as text and write to file for testing and demonstrating functionality.

temp = tempfile()
rmdtest = paste("# A test of multiple headers",
"", "# second header", "",
"And some text", sep="\n")
writeLines(rmdtest, temp)

Bookdown has some special requirements for R markdown files that are going to appear as chapters in a bookdown book.

  1. Chapters must contain one and only one chapter header (first-level heading).

The checkVignette() function performs some basic checks to see if the supplied .Rmd files meet these criteria.


Fixing common vignette problems

The test .Rmd file has incorrectly used more than one first-level header, the number of headers. The fixMultipleFirstLevelHeaders() function implements a kludge to fix the file.


The new text has demoted all the first-level headers--except the first one--to second-level headers. If necessary, use writeLines to write out the results to a file.



seandavi/BiocWorkshopPackageTest documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 8:58 p.m.