Man pages for seandavi/GEOquery
Get data from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

browseGEOAccessionOpen the GEO page for a given accession
browseWebsiteRNASeqSearchBrowse GEO search website for RNA-seq datasets
coercionConvert a GDS data structure to a BioConductor data structure
extractFilenameFromDownloadURLExtract filename from a GEO download URL
GDS-classClass 'GDS'
GEOData-accessorsGeneric functions for GEOquery
GEOData-classClass 'GEOData'
GEODataTable-classClass 'GEODataTable'
getDirListingget a directory listing from NCBI GEO
getGEOGet a GEO object from NCBI or file
getGEOfileDownload a file from GEO soft file to the local machine
getGEOSuppFilesGet Supplemental Files from GEO
getGSEDataTablesGet GSE data tables from GEO into R data structures.
getGSEDownloadPageURLsget all download links from a GEO accession
getRNAQuantAnnotationURLGet the RNA-seq quantification annotation link
getRNAQuantRawCountsURLGet the link to the raw counts file from GEO
getRNASeqDataGet GEO RNA-seq quantifications as a SummarizedExperiment...
getRNASeqQuantGenomeInfoExtract genome build and species for GEO RNA-seq...
getRNASeqQuantResultsGet RNA-seq quantification and annotation from GEO
GPL-classClass 'GPL'
GSE-classClass 'GSE'
GSM-classClass 'GSM'
hasRNASeqQuantificationsDoes a GEO accession have RNA-seq quantifications?
parseGEOParse GEO text
parseGSEMatrixParse a GSE mstrix file
readRNAQuantAnnotationRead RNA-seq quantification annotation from GEO
readRNAQuantRawCountsRead raw counts from GEO
searchFieldsGEOProvide a list of possible search fields for GEO search
searchGEOSearch GEO database
urlExtractRNASeqQuantGenomeInfoExtract genome build and species from a GEO download URL
urlForAccessionThe URL for a GEO accession
seandavi/GEOquery documentation built on Oct. 29, 2024, 1:24 p.m.