aes_eval: Assign inputs to 'x', 'y' or 'dots'.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


aes_eval() figures out which variables have been passed and appropriatley assigns the variables to their respective mapping: either (x, y, or dots). Furthermore, it distinguishes between ggplot-like syntax and dplyr-like syntax calling of variables.


aes_eval(x, y, dots, vars)


vars, x, y, dots

Arguments passed from aes_loop() or aes_loop2().


aes_eval() is the first major function to be called by aes_loop().


The list returned by aes_eval() is the input for the remapping functions.

The logical vector $is.dots is placed between the x and y vectors (if any) and the dots vectors (if any). This is used for easy reference in if statements.

The length of each vector (x, y, and dots) in the output list is determined by the length of the vector passed to aes_loop(). If an x or y variable is passed more than once, then it will be present in the vector the same number of times it was passed into aes_loop().

See Also

Source for names_list and code structure of lazyeval:: function calls can be found at ~/dplyr/R/select-vars.R and ~/dplyr/R/select-utils.R.

seasmith/ggloop documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:56 p.m.